Initiative One Episode 9: Number Munchers is out! We kick it off with a brief look at our store tournament from last weekend and Canadian Nationals. Now that Store Champs are over, if we look at the math behind the units, what do we find that supports the recent dominance of Latari and Uthuk? We made a spreadsheet, and have numbers and stuff!
Initiative One Episode 9
For anyone who wants the spreadsheet, here it is:
Keep in mind that it's all based solely on the base units with no upgrades, and extra damage modifiers dialed in when possible. We were trying to get a picture of base efficiency.
It’s based on the wonderful dice probability spreadsheet here (thanks to @SwagonBallZ ):
I may have been in a bit of a numbers haze when doing my spreadsheet, so if you catch any errors let me know. I think it’s all correct now.
I also have a correction for the episode: when we recorded, my calculations were off on the Spined Threshers and the numbers were too low, especially for the 1- and 2-tray units. They are the best of the base units in terms of damage by a good margin.
Edited by FranquesEnbiensYes the spined Threshers are so strong I am the most afraid 5 of them plus all shooting someday.
Because they turn poorly my main tactic is to run from them and fight the other stuff and feed them ?
Edited by DrakonissSpelling