Escutcheon's War Log (Waiqar v Daqan)

By escutcheon, in Runewars Battle Reports

Here's a write-up from a close and very enjoyable game I played recently against my friend's Daqan.!AuyVKaD1LZvTgQKfa6xJk455unNO

(One Drive link to a PPT file; open up the 'Notes' tab for commentary)

I'll try get good pictures next time :)

I liked the way you describet the battle, supprisingly easy too follow. Deploying a four-tray of runegolems seems exsessive. Good repport!

That was a very refreshing way to read a battle report. I like it a lot

Thank you. The PowerPoint took some time... I think in future I'll use pictures and overlay arrows, symbols, etc.