Models for WW2

By Zeltec, in Wings of War (WWII)

We have lots great models for WW1 version but the WW2 version is badly lacking any.

Is there any news on this ???????????????

There's news and pictures right out there in the main WoW forum! Good stuff!

they are supposed to release 1/196 scale minis for WW2 in 2009

If you cant wait for the WW2 minis to come out, buy some 1:144 models (Prepainted or paint your self, depends how desperate you are to start playing with them), fit a altertude peg dowl/rod underneath the mini and fly them on the WW1 flying stands. It works a treat!

Zeltec said:

We have lots great models for WW1 version but the WW2 version is badly lacking any.

Is there any news on this ???????????????

The Board Game Geek forums have some good stuff, and usually a pretty good "heads up" on news and info. aplauso.gif