Thrawn vs Madine, my first Wave 7 encounter

By ShoutingMan, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

@racknut and I played this afternoon, our first fleets incorporating Wave 7 options.

I used this fleet . The rebels had a Madine MC80 Battle Cruiser, MC30c with Lando, 3xGR75, and 3xA-Wing + Shara Bey. I won the bid, and took 1st player. I picked Dangerous Territory for objective.

The previous two matches I'd flown small-ship fleets and got eaten up by variations on this Madine fleet. I needed a change and something easier to fly, and went to this big-ship fleet, using some activation management with the Cruisers and adding some Wave 7 upgrades. I was having a difficult time getting the MC30c and MC80 in my firing arcs. And they kept swinging around to get back behind me. Very annoying, Madine. Ultimately, I won in the final two rounds.

I have scattered thoughts from this fleet and this game:

  1. Going first was the right choice. Having first attack won the game for me. I'm finally getting to appreciate the tactical choices between going 1st vs 2nd -- both have benefit and detriment -- and building a fleet with a bid or spending the points on upgrades.
  2. Strategic Advisor was superb. Love this card already.
  3. I’m not sure what to make of Thrawn. I’m not sure I’m a good enough player to use him well. His value is maybe muted with a 2xISD + 2xGoz fleet. With more ships (maybe even a small-ship fleet) he’d be more beneficial. And I was missing Jerjerrod, though I used Thrawn for some Navigation.
  4. I never got to use Gunnery Team. It's hard enough to combat Madine, much less getting two ships in say a front arc.
  5. I got little benefit from Intensity Firepower. I don't think it's the right upgrade for this fleet.
  6. QLT + H9 can be super useful, but I’m not sure it’s worth the points. This is my first game with them, so I need more experience.
  7. I couldn't get a ramming solution on the MC30c, so I didn't get to use Hardened Bulkheads. Against a GR75-heavy Madine fleet, maybe not the right upgrade.
  8. I need to keep Goz at a greater distance from the ships they support. I was flying them in close formation (distance 1-2), which allowed my opponent to get his ships in arc of both an ISD and its supporting Gozanti, forcing me to decide who's going to get clobbered
  9. I screwed up Ciena + Valen. I need to move them via squadron as a pair to get them both engaged. If I let the opponent take the advantage, he can split the pair up and at least one will die.
  10. I continue to struggle to understand Deployment. I tend to "aim" straight towards the opponents side, in a row. I deployed Avenger at Speed 3 thinking I’d leap onto the MC30 for BT. But that caused me to go from too far to too close and then get double-arced when the MC30 activated and flew away from me. I think I need Speed 1 or 2 on Avenger to bring it into range, while throwing its Reds from afar. I need to rethink my deployments and try some new approaches.
  11. BT Avenger, when it works, is incredible. But oh the difficulty of trying to get the setup for success.
  12. I think we both failed to play to the objectives. We were too busy trying to pew-pew roll dice that we ignored some easy opportunities to get tokens. :)


20180318 - 7th Wave Cymoon Fleet
Author: ShoutingMan
Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 394/400
Commander: Grand Admiral Thrawn
Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Planetary Ion Cannon
Navigation Objective: Dangerous Territory

[ flagship ] Imperial Star Destroyer Cymoon 1 Refit (112 points)
- Grand Admiral Thrawn ( 32 points)
- Relentless ( 3 points)
- Strategic Adviser ( 4 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Hardened Bulkheads ( 5 points)
- Quad Turbolaser Cannons ( 10 points)
- H9 Turbolasers ( 8 points)
- Intensify Firepower! ( 6 points)
= 187 total ship cost

Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer (110 points)
- Avenger ( 5 points)
- Boarding Troopers ( 3 points)
- Hardened Bulkheads ( 5 points)
- Leading Shots ( 4 points)
= 127 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
- Comms Net ( 2 points)
= 25 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
- Comms Net ( 2 points)
= 25 total ship cost

1 Ciena Ree ( 17 points)
1 Valen Rudor ( 13 points)
= 30 total squadron cost