I liked how rebels ended (spoilers i guess, it's been a while).

By grandmoffjoe, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

So lets talk about space whales.

I figure they really could've used one or two more episodes where they build up Ezra's connection to the whales. Other than that I think it was the most appropriate way to defeat Thrawn.

Trawn's whole shtick is that he does his homework - he knows his enemies' cultures and background, and can piece together how they will act from that - unless the Jedi are involved. Multiple times in the series, however, Thrawn shows contempt for the Force. The biggest example I can think of is when he calls the Bendu's lightning storm "Jedi Devilry". The form of "Jedi Devilry" Ezra has always been best at is communing with natural creatures. Daggum druid Jedi that he is. Therefore, I find it fitting that the grand finale was the same stunt he pulled in that abandoned base so many episodes ago.

I just wanted to share this notion with some other nerds somewhere. Hope y'all enjoyed my rambling.

Yeah. It was a very appropriate move for Ezra. His connection to animals was established time and again.

Plus it was something that simply could not have been anticipated by Thrawn.

I thought the ending was a terrible bit of imagination and writing fuelled by Filonis cocaine habit. First 3.5 seasons? Great, awesome, sweet! Last half of the last season? Jeeze Alice slow down it's just a rabbit hole, dayum. Let's see how many plot holes we can find.

Open bridge windows when jumping to hyperspace, Ezra should by all rights be dead unless surviving hard vacuum is just something Force sensitive folk do. So what the **** is Sabine really going to accomplish trying to go find him with Ashoka. Who STILL doesn't have an explanation for how she got off Malachor. But maybe we shouldn't bother asking since the Jedi temples are also apparently time and space teleportation nodes, so, hooray!? Temporal paradox here we come!

And I'm sorry, but if you can't see a bigger picture of a Galaxy sized setting and the opportunities it offers to 'hide' characters, or interpret the ramblings of a space wizard who is old and senile and hasn't had as far as we know any contact with the outside Galaxy, let alone anyone sentient, for 18 freaking years as not being accurate all the time. Then you don't get to be happy that Kannan died for legitimately no good reason. And now that episode 8 is out, we have no Jedi heroes who survive to natural death except Yoda, who in all reality is the greater failed Jedi of them all. But at least he saw that and paid for it with his exile/retreat. Self sacrifice is the weapon of choice to kill a Jedi. Not lightning, not lightsabers, freaking feelings that they aren't even supposed to have for others. And you know what my problem with that is? It's easy, three words: Living, is hard. That's it. Continuing to struggle is a more worthy endeavor. To the bitter end and all that. So to see the same cop out writers tactic to evoke emotion when they've used it ad nauseum in the rest of the franchise, is basically a slap in the face to the audience. It's so incredibly ****** it drives me crazy. And I've heard all the half-wit arguments and references and so forth that folks point to and say see? Kannan had to die because blah blah blah! And I'm like really? That's your argument? There isn't a single one I've been presented with yet that doesn't have a logic flaw not destroyed by a different one in the same trilogy.

Epilogue putting Rex at the battle is Endor was the only good thing to come or if those last six episodes.

31 minutes ago, ForceSensitive said:

It's so incredibly ****** it drives me crazy.

Much anger in him. ;)

I would have greatly preferred it focusing on what the remaining Ghost crew did during the Battle of Scariff

Kanan's death was an important part of the Joseph Campbell hero cycle - the core story pattern for Star Wars.

Frankly, he should have died much earlier in order to allow Ezra's growth as a character.

On 3/23/2018 at 2:31 AM, ForceSensitive said:

. So what the **** is Sabine really going to accomplish trying to go find him with Ashoka. Who STILL doesn't have an explanation for how she got off Malachor. But maybe we shouldn't bother asking since the Jedi temples are also apparently time and space teleportation nodes, so, hooray!? Temporal paradox here we come!

You seem to have forgotten that the three Inquisitors won't be needing their Ties to get home so that answers how Ashoka got off Malacor. The real question is what she did between Yavin and when we see her again after Endor.

Edited by chr335

I personnally liked it until the last battle, save the part where Kanan was not to be saved, that is complete, unadulterated, bull, 24-carat model! If Ashoka can be saved from an Explosion, Kanan can too, they didn't find his body anyway, and he is lost to the galaxy and the Force untill he emerges from the Temple with Ezra. But Democratus has a point, he has been a complete useless character for some time before that...

what I find bad is the final battle from the moment Thrawn arrives. He has several ISD-complement worth of ground troops and armor to unload on the surface before or after Ezra surrenders, who could easily go to the Sphere, liberate the garrison and swamp the rebels, but doesn't.

and after the battle it goes worse, Lothal was so Important to the Emperor that the Fleet pinned on blocade duty several sector-worth of capital ships (I count 6 ISD, plenty of Kittens and transports) under the orders ot one of the best (if non-human) Great-Admiral.

And then the world goes rogue, commit itself to open rebellion before Yavin (wouldn't that have been more suitable to a Death-star first strike than Alderande?), and nothing is ever done to crush it during the long 5 years to the battle of Jakku?? the planet has a perfectly functionnal (if unpowered) Tie-Defender production Facility, low population and low active rebellion factor!!! Jump in with a few ISD, with jamming-anti-whales-calling system, and you're done...

all those 5 years are done for in just 5 seconds and 2 lame phrases, that is not even weak, and is completely useless, the arc could have stopped just before that with no changes....

On 05/04/2018 at 3:00 PM, gounour said:

And then the world goes rogue, commit itself to open rebellion before Yavin (wouldn't that have been more suitable to a Death-star first strike than Alderande?), and nothing is ever done to crush it during the long 5 years to the battle of Jakku?? the planet has a perfectly functionnal (if unpowered) Tie-Defender production Facility, low population and low active rebellion factor!!! Jump in with a few ISD, with jamming-anti-whales-calling system, and you're done...

****, it was a better target than Jedha!

It's supposed to be a backwater planet with a lot of resources- a great place to manufacture a prototypes in a secret weapons program, an inconvenient and relatively unknown target for the death star.

Also, I thought it was implied that the tie defender wasn't what palps really cared about, that once the temple was found and subsequently rendered useless there wasn't really an enormous reason to commit more resources to Lothal.