Future Units

By Athelin, in Runewars Miniatures Game

I know that there is a topic about future not announced expansions but the search feature seems not working and I can't even find the topic.

The goal of writting this post is because I was thinking about possible future units and I came up to the conclusion that it was never named the chance of an artillery unit. I started to think about it and I designed something like this.


I was thinking a unit with great damage but very little mobile. I also thought about a possible upgrade that gives it a reroll but makes it unable to march or shift. What do you think about it? What other units are you thinking of?

Edited by Athelin

More generic but I want Pegasus riders and bone horrors

I would upload a few things I put together, but I managed to burn most of my entire initial upload allotment with a single picture. Which I now can't delete. How do you clear up/get more upload space? I can't find that anywhere, either.

2 hours ago, Xelto said:

I would upload a few things I put together, but I managed to burn most of my entire initial upload allotment with a single picture. Which I now can't delete. How do you clear up/get more upload space? I can't find that anywhere, either.

Most people load to a third-party site, like imgur, Flickr, etc.

@Athelin , that is a beautiful card! I almost think a trebuchet could only fire beyond range 5, but it gets a little wonky if on the Long Canyon deployment it could sit at the back and launch all the way across 6' of table.

I would also add to the trebuchet, 'ignore line of sight' since it's basically the first form of a mortar in history. Then we can also have catapults and ballista that require line of sight but are a bit more accurate.

don't trebuchets hit walls not troops? No trebuchet every built is ever going to hit a cavalry unit

1 hour ago, docForsaken said:

don't trebuchets hit walls not troops? No trebuchet every built is ever going to hit a cavalry unit

A ballistae or onager is probably more appropriate.

Yeah, the two established possibilities are the Siege Machine:


and the Siege Golem:



(Top row, center).

I'm not sure which one I'd like more. They're both good, but the Siege Machine isn't fantastical enough for me, while the Siege Golem seems too much like the Rune Golem. I'd be happy with either, but I can't choose between the two.

56 minutes ago, Parakitor said:

Yeah, the two established possibilities are the Siege Machine:


and the Siege Golem:



(Top row, center).

I'm not sure which one I'd like more. They're both good, but the Siege Machine isn't fantastical enough for me, while the Siege Golem seems too much like the Rune Golem. I'd be happy with either, but I can't choose between the two.

I find that siege Golem to be wholly acceptable and awesome looking for a Daqan expansion. Can we make it physically push formation backwards if it pulls off a charge?

1 hour ago, Parakitor said:

Yeah, the two established possibilities are the Siege Machine:


and the Siege Golem:



(Top row, center).

I'm not sure which one I'd like more. They're both good, but the Siege Machine isn't fantastical enough for me, while the Siege Golem seems too much like the Rune Golem. I'd be happy with either, but I can't choose between the two.

Is that Battlelore? I never played it but I love that Siege Golem. It would be an awesome expansion.

36 minutes ago, Athelin said:

Is that Battlelore? I never played it but I love that Siege Golem. It would be an awesome expansion.

Yeah, the Siege Golem is from BattleLore. It's a fantastic game. I don't own it, but my brother does, and I've played with him a few times. The game makes for a lot of really cool moments when you make surprise moves with your units, or you reveal special cards to power up your units at the right time. I think the only reason it didn't sell well is because it doesn't lend itself to tournament play, and they already have the Runewars board game to satisfy the epic board game crowd. So this sits somewhere between a board game and a miniatures game. It boils down to two players mustering their army using a points system, and then battling head-to-head, which is much more like a miniatures game, but setup takes some time.

The Siege Machine is from Rune Age, the deck building game set in the world of Terrinoth. Also a fun one, though I mostly play the cooperative scenarios.

I don't personally feel that any long range units that ignore LOS should ever be introduced.

Sitting with your back in the corner of the map rolling dice over and over isn't actually fun for anyone.

Another Siege unit does seem pretty reasonable for Daqan: they've got vanilla infantry, ranged infantry, and scout infantry, heavy(ish) cav, and melee/support siege. Before Scouts were announced I'd have guessed a light, mobile cavalry unit, but I think both would be stepping on Latari's toes a bit at this stage. Siege Golem pushes a little hard toward gunline for my taste, so I'd rather see it as a utility piece. Expansions are where we start breaking the core game rules (scouts deploying upfield, wraiths moving through things), so we have lots of room to explore.

This is where I'd give a cool example of what I mean, but I can't think of any :(

I’d love to see skirmishing missile cavalry in the game. Possibly with a wider firing angle (not 360 but why not over 3 sides).

Maybe get their threat reduced by one when using ranged attacks or have them throw a single red dice? The missile threat they pose should be limited imo but they you have to consider their speed and agility and flank threat.

4 hours ago, Suhawk75 said:

I’d love to see skirmishing missile cavalry in the game. Possibly with a wider firing angle (not 360 but why not over 3 sides).

Maybe get their threat reduced by one when using ranged attacks or have them throw a single red dice? The missile threat they pose should be limited imo but they you have to consider their speed and agility and flank threat.

I am kind of hoping we get to see a skirmishing mounted archer for Latari. I'd certainly feel well-served with that as a Pegasus Rider. Rather than reducing threat, I'd assume this would be taken care of by just restricting its deployment options. No bigger than 2x2. I expect that however we see Pegasus Riders, it'll be one model per tray, and a one-tray deployment option will be available.


6 hours ago, Polda said:


Only available in a 1x1 deployment costing 201 pts

7 hours ago, Polda said:

Only if it is multiple trays and each tray it loses amounts to busting a body part off. This is of course complete with dismemberable model for full effect.

Whether it flies or not I do want that wyrm! And a forest guardian while we're at it.

The Uthuk aren't the Uthuk without a Chaos Lord!

As for the Siege Golem, I have mixed feelings about it. A unit that can fire across almost the entire battlefield would be great, thematically, but keeping it balanced would be tough. I find myself thinking about the utility of the Airspeeder tow cable in Legion. I don't think rotating units makes a whole lot of sense, but maybe there are other support roles.

Maybe a hit causes friendly units to be flanking for the round, but with a slow attack, it means your melee units are attacking at initiative 6 or 7, which is a trade-off.

Maybe it can only fire every other round. After all, it has a pretty big missile to load.

Maybe it cannot target enemies at range-1 of terrain (except exposed terrain). at gives the opponent some ways to counter. Or similarly, maybe it can draw line of sight through units, but if any part of the target is blocked by terrain, it can't shoot that target.

I'm not proposing any of these ideas, but they are examples of things that balance long-range attacks (maybe). I hope FFG can make it interesting, viable, and not OP. In BattleLore, it was a neat-looking unit, but I rarely hears of people using it. It has a longer range than other units, but ranged attacks are pretty weak in that game, and since you don't activate every unit every round, it always seems there are better options for activations. On the other hand, if it's too strong, it just destroys your army from turn 1 for the whole game.

Edited by Budgernaut
4 hours ago, Budgernaut said:

The Uthuk aren't the Uthuk without a Chaos Lord!

As for the Siege Golem, I have mixed feelings about it. A unit that can fire across almost the entire battlefield would be great, thematically, but keeping it balanced would be tough. I find myself thinking about the utility of the Airspeeder tow cable in Legion. I don't think rotating units makes a whole lot of sense, but maybe there are other support roles.

Maybe a hit causes friendly units to be flanking for the round, but with a slow attack, it means your melee units are attacking at initiative 6 or 7, which is a trade-off.

Maybe it can only fire every other round. After all, it has a pretty missile to load.

Maybe it cannot target enemies at range-1 of terrain (except exposed terrain). at gives the opponent some ways to counter. Or similarly, maybe it can draw line of sight through units, but if any part of the target is blocked by terrain, it can't shoot that target.

I'm not proposing any of these ideas, but they are examples of things that balance long-range attacks (maybe). I hope FFG can make it interesting, viable, and not OP. In BattleLore, it was a neat-looking unit, but I rarely hears of people using it. It has a longer range than other units, but ranged attacks are pretty weak in that game, and since you don't activate every unit every round, it always seems there are better options for activations. On the other hand, if it's too strong, it just destroys your army from turn 1 for the whole game.

I like the idea of playing around with initiative! Daqan having early weak attack and late strong attack is definitely a bit of a theme, so a unit that's about supporting being able to get those late turn attacks off could be swell. I was also thinking about pushing units on a hit, but it doesn't make much sense to push a whole unit with a big ballista bolt. Maybe a speed debuff of some sort? Plenty of room for new Banes.

4 minutes ago, Bhelliom said:

I like the idea of playing around with initiative! Daqan having early weak attack and late strong attack is definitely a bit of a theme, so a unit that's about supporting being able to get those late turn attacks off could be swell. I was also thinking about pushing units on a hit, but it doesn't make much sense to push a whole unit with a big ballista bolt. Maybe a speed debuff of some sort? Plenty of room for new Banes.

and Conditions

I want trebuchet and catapult so I can proxy my toy ones in and fire plastic rocks at my opponent! :)