Forum and Topic Unread Indicators

By vespers2, in Support

Am I the only one who seems to have this problem: After reading every given topic in a forum (not using the Mark Topics as Read button), the indicator still reads as unread. Checking against last post times shows there are no changes, but still the topic still reads as unread. This is true for the forum indicators as well.

Mind you, this does not happen all of the time, but often enough to get under one's skin enfadado.gif (alright, I admit it, under my skin).


Are you using the back button in your browser?

I've just generally had problems with the read/unread indicators. Sometimes, I have the problem you mentioned. Other times, I'll open a forum after having marked it as read the last time, and it will show a bunch of unread threads, a couple read ones, and then some more unread ones.

However, it hasn't bothered me too much. I'm lazy enough that I didn't bother to go to any effort to fix it. gui%C3%B1o.gif

jadrax said:

Are you using the back button in your browser?


The indicators are all purpose wonky. Sometimes They will have display the oposite, sometimes just wrong, threads/forums with no new content flag new and vice versa. I've found that if you yourself or someone eddits a post in a thread it usually 'breaks' that thread for me untill someone new posts. Personally all of the overt errors and simply poor design and features are begining to make vistiing the FFG forums nigh unbearabl eand I will likely only do so very 'sparingly' in the future, providing that is no changes or fixes or improments are forthcomming.