Which morale deck for self inflicted tests?

By Xquer, in Runewars Rules Questions


I have my leonx riders engages with a bunch of Berserkers. Activating my archers, i shoot the berserkers. Shooting into them, I know have to perform a morale test on my leonx.

Because the test was triggered by me, do I draw the card from my deck?

This matters because of cards like loss of faith(as that dictates who chooses the tray that gets loss based on who is drawing the card) and also for upgrades like Cacophony Reaver.

Thanks in advance!

We play it as your moral deck affects your opponent. Anything drawn against one of your units should come from your opponents deck.

I am known to not know my rules, could be wrong.


Rules Reference 53.1: "When a unit suffers a morale test, that unit's opponent draws a number of cards..."

While it could be argued that the opponent could draw from your deck, I think the fact that each player brings their own deck suggests that when a player draws, they draw from their own deck. So we always play, "When my unit suffers a morale test, the cards are drawn from your deck."


Rules Reference 53.5: "In the text of morale cards, “the unit” refers to the unit suffering the test, while “you” refers to that unit’s opponent."

Here, I draw the morale card, so when it says, "you" it's talking to me because I'm the one that drew it from my deck. This is why Loss of Faith is so-so in my opinion: your opponent (the owner of "the unit") will always choose an injured tray to lose, rather than a fully healthy tray. Which I guess makes thematic sense, since the injured guys are the ones that will lose faith and flee, so I'll give it a pass.

Edited by Parakitor

Ah got it, thanks both of you for the answers!