On the new Gen. Grievous, it says " Ignore all play restrictions on weapons played on this character". Does this mean that you can play 2 unique weapons on Grievous due to ignoring all play restrictions?
Ignoring Play Restrictions
No, thats not a "play restriction" persay, thats a game limitation.
Play restrictions are text that limit the way you actively use the card, such as color only. It has to be printed on the card to be a play restriction.
Page 21 of the RRG has the definition of Play Restriction:
Play restrictions sometimes appear on a card and are marked
by the word “only.” A player cannot play the card unless the
play restriction is met.Upgrade cards sometimes say “(Color) character only”. If a
player does not have a character of that color to attach the
upgrade to, the upgrade cannot be played.••Upgrades do not get removed from a character if the play
restriction is no longer fulfilled. The character must only
fulfill the play restriction when the card is first played.
A card's unique status is not a play restriction. It does not appear in the text ability box. Uniqueness is covered on page 3 of the RRG, and has its own set of rules.
Grevious might as well have read "yes, we'll let you use maul's"
Finn and Grievous are able to wield blue character only weapons and crafted lightsabers with ease
It also lets you use cards like Crafted Lighsaber on him too, IIRC. I think that and the other suite of sabers should be pretty cool.
Edited by Atomisk