Building a Noob collection

By Ceahorse, in Player community

Hi guys. I'm new to LOTR LCG and my 1st purchase contained the Core, Khazad-dûm, and Return to Mirkwood.

I skipped over the Escape, and Return to Mirkwood.

Since I started playing KD, I have purchased Massing at O and Journey to R. Been trying to find the rest but its proving quite hard. One seller, at a certain Geeky Bazaar is even goign so far as to ask 100USD plus shipping for a chance to hunt for Gollum.

Not sure what to do.

Don't sweat it. FFG usually gets around to reprinting their products. Be prepared to wait awhile, though, if you can't find the packs anywhere else for a reasonable price.

You can generally jump around without too much trouble. Lost Realm and Heirs of Numenor are both pretty hard with a smaller card pool but every other cycle should be pretty reasonable.

FFG does seem to be reprinting things pretty regularly still, hopefully it will all be back in stock eventually.