crushing blow and breath

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

another question arose tonight

an hellound attacked us with breath casuing damage to 3 heroes, 2 heroes took damage and on 1 hero he played crushing blow

it mean that an hero take no damage and the other 2 heroes took damage or no one took damage?

i would say 1 hero dont take and the other 2 did but i want to know for sure


Lord Loren Soth said:

another question arose tonight

an hellound attacked us with breath casuing damage to 3 heroes, 2 heroes took damage and on 1 hero he played crushing blow

it mean that an hero take no damage and the other 2 heroes took damage or no one took damage?

i would say 1 hero dont take and the other 2 did but i want to know for sure


FAQ pg7
Q: How does Crushing Blow interact with area effect attacks?
A: The Crushing Blow card may be played on any one hero affected by the attack in question. That hero is affected as described on the card. Note that the card reduces the damage dealt by the attack to zero, so all figures caught in the area of effect will take zero damage , not just the hero affected by Crushing Blow.

This is the official answer, irregardless of the fact that the crushing blow card does not say that.
Balance wise it is a good answer.

Why use irregardless when regardless will do?

The "i" makes it more special!

Nakarashi said:

The "i" makes it more special!

sometimes I need to feel special... sonrojado.gif