Duro Painting ... How Flexible is Skin Tone?

By Dash Two, in Star Wars: Legion

Have done some research including image searches courtesy of the good people at Google and ...

The colors tend to be blue - green with hints of grey. My questions is ...

Does it need to be blue or green?

Anyone considering something else?

@nikk whyte Thanks for this. There were multiple entries I found about all things Duro.

I am curious if anyone has plans beyond either blue or green

I was going to try for a gray-blue color myself. I've seen them in gray, blue, green, even some that are a little purplish. There's a pretty decent range on the blues and greens too, so I wouldn't get too hung up on getting the "right" color.

It's like humans, you can say that humans are tan or brown skinned, but there's a LOT of variation within that. Blue and green gives you a very wide range of colors.

If you need some inspiration I have a colour guide documented for my Rebel Sabatours, click on the image below, the image is a bit deceptive, they really look a big more yellow / green at the peak highlights:

Imperial Assault - Rebel Saboteur


I saw these online. Very good work.

Struggling to paint my 2 practice IA Duro minis ... lot of stuff going on over that tiny surface.

Old topic but I wanted to share my interpretation.
