Suggestions for Career/Spec for "retired" Imperial Officer character concept

By CaptFunNugz, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I have a character concept that I saw on a reddit post that I absolutely love but I am having a really difficult time find a career/specialization.

The abridged background:


Colonel Miles Warwick (ret.)
Miles Warwick was an Imperial Colonel caught selling weapons on the black market (and to the rebels, and to crime lords, and… anyone, really) as a side business. Because of his advanced age and a certain popularity among many soldiers, Warwick was forced into early retirement to prevent a possible riot among the lower ranks, however his military pension was withheld as part of his punishment.

While attempting to enjoy his retirement by spending most of his days hunting and shooting wildlife, Warwick got bored pretty quickly and used his old contacts to find more interesting things to do in the galaxy. As a rebel, Warwick isn’t particularly devoted too the cause (at least not yet), but has seen and heard some things in his time that bring to question his loyalty to the Empire. He harbors some sympathy for low ranking empire soldiers whom most likely have been enlisted by means of propaganda or conscription. He holds no love for the empire’s upper echelons however, who basically kicked him to the curb.

Right now I have him spec'd as a Commander-Tactician but unsure about it. I want to be a good balance of social and fighting... with may a hint more leaning towards the social aspect. I am still in discussing with my GM to work out specifics, especially if I take ranks in "Leadership" & "Discipline". We will start with more of an Edge of the Empire flair and evolve into more of a AoR campaign.

Any suggestions on the best way to bring this character to life? As someone who has no military experience what so ever, I will also take suggestions on how to RP him (personality wise) in a fun way. :)


Diplomat: Quartermaster would cover the background fairly well. It doesn't have a lot of combat abilities, but adding the Recruit universal spec would round him out well. There's a lot of social skills, and a focus on being the person who helps keep everyone else supplied. For a person who was drummed out of the Imperial Army for misappropriation, that would be a good fit.

Probably even better than adding Recruit would be the new Imperial Academy Cadet from Dawn of Rebellion . It's got the Vehicle Combat Training and Tactical Combat Training you would pick up with recruit, but the rest of the spec is more tailored to someone who was trained by the Imperial military. It's just about perfect for what you are talking about, and dovetails nicely with Quartermaster.

@JRRP I thought of doing Diplomat: Quartermaster but initially shy'd away from going with it because I thought the skills only focused on "legally available" items and "selling goods legally". I supposed I could work this out with my GM to make it fit.

I am dying to get my hands on Dawn of Rebellion. What you recommend would sound perfect. Any suggestions on how that would work RP wise.... seems like he should already have those skills being in the military. I guess I could theme it that since he is older and out of practice, it took a bit for him to get back into the groove and remember his training.

Thanks so much for the feedback!

Those two suggestions are where I would start, so I’ll suggest others if they don’t take your fancy.

Skip Tracer from No Disintegration’s, my favourite option, it covers combat, social Negotiation, the underworld, having old contacts, it also provides a direction for you to go.

Marshal from Far Horizons, a social character with solid ranged light capacity and tough to boot, a good support character.

Mercenary Soldier, Big guns and a strong leader, not much social or underworld capabilities though.

Scoundrel, this is probably my second favourite option. a great mix of charming and deceptive social with combat, thematically fits the character too.

Instructor, a leader with great support talents and a knack for big guns, none of the underworld stuff though.

For me the Skip Tracer is an awesome choice, it ticks so many boxes, and if you grab the Imperial Academy Cadet it’s just about perfect.

No matter what, if you are starting as a human, you get to add a bit of flexibility from go. If you pick a spec that doesn't have Discipline or Streetwise, you can add a rank of each for free. One rank with a 3 in the relevant ability gives the starting PC a good base to grow from, and should allow them to accomplish in game what you are looking for. The same holds true for any combat skill that's missing.

And I love the idea that the PC will regain combat prowess through the campaign, as he's been out of it for long enough that he's rusty.