More news. Starting to feel the love

By darkjawa103, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Our first 2018 OP kit

Cool...but it's odd that the acrylic tokens aren't something that can be used by all factions. I'm expecting acrylic banes or deployment markers (have they done wound tokens yet?). I'm excited to get my hands on some Mark of Vengeance tokens, but I doubt I'll ever need 5 of them. Maybe if I don't win any some of the locals will share a token or two with me.


I'm definitely excited about getting my own copy of Up In Flames, since I don't own the Uthuk Y'llan Army Expansions...yet.

Now I just need to convince my LGS to do a Runewars event. I really wish FFG would sell kits to clubs as well as stores.

So...hopefully have my wraiths before I get the tokens?

10 hours ago, Parakitor said:

Cool...but it's odd that the acrylic tokens aren't something that can be used by all factions. I'm expecting acrylic banes or deployment markers (have they done wound tokens yet?). I'm excited to get my hands on some Mark of Vengeance tokens, but I doubt I'll ever need 5 of them. Maybe if I don't win any some of the locals will share a token or two with me.


I'm definitely excited about getting my own copy of Up In Flames, since I don't own the Uthuk Y'llan Army Expansions...yet.

I second this. Having army specific stuff at the moment seems to miss the point. We could have gone through Inspiration (done), Wound, Morale, Objective (done), Boarder Markers, Dice and Templates before we got to these.

****, even some +1 Defense Tokens would have been appreciated before these.

Just FFG should release basic tokens from core box before than expansion tokens...

So... five acrylic tokens that a player will only need one or two of if they are playing one specific upgrade, on one specific unit that can take it, in the one army that can take that unit, and we have no idea when that unit will even be for sale.

Knocking it out of the park, OP.

Edited by Tvayumat

The feeling of FFG loving all things not Uthuk is starting to creep into my head looking at AA support.

Daqan: AA Hawthorne, Kari, Spearmen, acrylic inspiration (not true Daqan, but piles of them are mostly only Daqan)

Waiqar: AA Ardus, Ankaur, Reanimates, Reanimate Archers, Carrion Lancers, Wraith-ability tokens

Latari: AA Leonx, Gloss Scions, Wooden overgrow. The range ruler feels Latari too, though that may be due to the overgrow tokens


Sure, newest faction. But seriously, why not even a single shout out. Jeez, even acrylic panic tokens would be something close enough to Uthuk for starters.

That complaining aside, I do like them putting faction specific deployments in these kits so I don’t have to go and buy useless (to me) expansions. Also, they are doing well with the artwork itself.

Because Uthuk are the bad guys and must be destroyed!

33 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

Because Uthuk are the bad guys and must be destroyed!

One evening I let my sons (7 and 5 years old) play with my Waiqar and Daqan armies, and the 7 year old refered to the Waiqar as "the evil skeletons". So I asked him "why would you think that they are evil?" to which he had no real respons, but I could se the cogs turning and he was a bit baffled by the thought that they might not be :)

Edited by Maktorius
34 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

Because Uthuk are the bad guys and must be destroyed!

Look, we did what we had to do to survive. Food is scarce in the desert, so sometimes you have to drink a little demon blood. The real bad guy is that Timmorran dude who tried to wipe us all out. We are merely fighting back against all our people being hunted down and destroyed!

2 hours ago, FranquesEnbiens said:

Look, we did what we had to do to survive. Food is scarce in the desert, so sometimes you have to drink a little demon blood. The real bad guy is that Timmorran dude who tried to wipe us all out. We are merely fighting back against all our people being hunted down and destroyed!

It is an undeniable, and may I say fundamental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.”

-Leonard Church

5 hours ago, Church14 said:

It is an undeniable, and may I say fundamental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.”

-Leonard Church

Whoa, one might almost see that comment and how it relates to your name, as Meta...

Wait I got another one

Its too easy to see everything as black and white, there is no true evil or true good, so lets call it red and blue instead

On 3/12/2018 at 3:46 PM, Parakitor said:

Cool...but it's odd that the acrylic tokens aren't something that can be used by all factions. I'm expecting acrylic banes or deployment markers (have they done wound tokens yet?). I'm excited to get my hands on some Mark of Vengeance tokens, but I doubt I'll ever need 5 of them. Maybe if I don't win any some of the locals will share a token or two with me.


I'm definitely excited about getting my own copy of Up In Flames, since I don't own the Uthuk Y'llan Army Expansions...yet.

There were acrylic would tokens at Worlds ....

41 minutes ago, tgall said:

There were acrylic would tokens at Worlds ....

Ah, yes! That's where I saw them. Nobody in my group has any, but I thought I remembered official ones. That they were given out at Worlds explains why.

14 hours ago, taylorcowbell said:

Whoa, one might almost see that comment and how it relates to your name, as Meta...

Wait I got another one

Its too easy to see everything as black and white, there is no true evil or true good, so lets call it red and blue instead

My quote was intended to be a bit meta and a wink wink post.

Persnally, I prefer the Battlestar Galactica reboot quote from Adama: “ It's not enough to survive. One must be worthy of survival”

Though more appropriate to the Uthuk would be a quote from “In Death Ground” by David Weber. It was something along the lines of: humanity will step up and adapt. If it doesn’t, something that is willing to do so will come along and replace it.

On 3/13/2018 at 8:46 AM, Church14 said:

Sure, newest faction. But seriously, why not even a single shout out. Jeez, even acrylic panic tokens would be something close enough to Uthuk for starters.

That complaining aside, I do like them putting faction specific deployments in these kits so I don’t have to go and buy useless (to me) expansions. Also, they are doing well with the artwork itself.

This is the first prize kit that had Uthuk out when it was released, wasn't it? So it's really just one missed opportunity, the way I see it. That said, acrylic expansion-specific tokens is pretty silly at this point. I suppose it's likely to drive Wraith sales for Waiqar players who win?

I absolutely agree on the faction specific deployments and objectives as alt art low-placement prize support. That's a solid and classy move. Hopefully we'll get hero terrain eventually, too. Though maybe that makes more sense to compile into $10 terrain packs or something.

Edited by kaffis