RTL: New area? Overlord deck? Power Cards?

By Dexnus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Dear Descent-Fans!

We started Road to Legend recently and during our first dungeon a few questions arose:

1 What counts as a new area in a dungeon? Some Power Cards say that the Overlord can place additional monsters. Can the Overlord place them only in new levels or also when the Heroes open a door which has not been opened yet?

2 If the Overlord deck is played through does the Overlord receive experience points (like in the original version)?

3 Does the Overlord keep Power Cards for the whole dungeon or only for the level he played it.

Thank you very much!


1) Each Dungeon Level is a new area and some dungeon levels (mainly rumors and legendary) have more than one area to them.

2) The Overlord gains 3CPs, just as normal.

3) Yes, Power Cards last the entire dungeon (which is why it's more dangerous for the heroes to go to the very end).


Thanks for this :)

One more question that I forgot to post:

If a hero starts his turn next to an unactivated glyph is he allowed to enter the town or does he first have to activate it and wait for the next turn.



Dexnus said:

If a hero starts his turn next to an unactivated glyph is he allowed to enter the town or does he first have to activate it and wait for the next turn.

If the gylph is unactivated, the hero may not go to town that turn. Since he must first activate it, he has done an action and therefore cannot use the glyph this turn. This is clarified in the FAQ. (Get the FAQ if you don't have it, you will need it.)

From the FAQ:

Q: Can a hero traveling to town via a glyph take any action before Restocking, such as attacking? Does returning from town still cost 1 MP? What other limits are placed on heroes in town and using glyphs?
A: A hero who begins his turn adjacent to or on top of an activated glyph has two options: take a normal turn or go to town. If he goes to town, he is immediately moved to the building of his choice and gets to Restock there. No movement points, no declared action – he just Restocks.

A hero who begins his turn in town has two options: Restock again (at the same or a different building) or return to the dungeon. If he returns to the dungeon, he declares a normal action (Battle, Ready, Advance, Run) and then must spend a movement point to move from town to the dungeon, just like normal. If he somehow can't do so (i.e. he Battled and had no fatigue left) then the entire action is canceled and the hero Restocks instead.