A Hilarious Victory over 5 Battledroids

By Vineheart01, in Star Wars: Destiny

i couldnt stop laughing for like 20m after this happened so i kinda had to share.

Sonic Cannons, technically terrible but i love the concept so i built a deck around it. Had two Stormtroopers and two TIE Fighters, Supply Line, and Aftermath. To abuse the die i had Ruthless Tactics (9 damage to a single character from1 die? yes plz!) and Salvo (big aoe!)
My opponent just happened to be playing the 5 droid list when i brought this. He had the battlefield that lets you look at an opponents hand and discard a card.

Turn3 i draw my sonic cannon and im sitting at 3 resources. I killed one droid at this point and two of my troopers were almost dead. Ended up claiming 4 actions early to prevent him from discarding that cannon.
Turn4 i used 5 resources to play the cannon and i happened to draw Salvo. Activate the supply line, rolls +1 resources. He activates 2 droids. I activate a trooper, rolls a resource. He activates the other 2 droids (two of the 4 remaining have blanks). I claim the resources.

I could tell he knew something was up because he paused for a moment before discarding to reroll. I activate a TIE Fighter just in case he has die removal. He bombs my other unactivated trooper, but i still got my other TIE fighter unactivated. Roll the cannon out, it rolls a 6 damage. He resolves his indirect damage which doesnt kill anything. Then, victory!

"Tap the tie fighter so i dont pay for the cannon die, pay 2 resources, your dead" and i place the die on top of Salvo. 4 droids from full hp to dead in an instant lol.... His response? Just low grumbles rofl.

I had thought of this almost since the droids were spoiled but i never expected it to actually work. I couldnt stop laughing for so long....

Beautiful. Just Beautiful.

I was *really* confused until I realized you meant TIE Pilots, not TIE Fighters.

Also, I'm not sure this works. The exhausted character only discounts one resolve -- Salvo tells you to resolve the die against each, so I'd expect to have to pay separately for each, right?

Edited by kaffis
2 hours ago, kaffis said:

Salvo tells you to resolve the die against each, so I'd expect to have to pay separately for each, right?

FAQ on salvo says you pay it once

Or in my case, tap a character to not pay it.

ALso yeah sorry for some reason i always call the character TIE Pilot the TIE Fighter Pilot and when typing often leave off the Pilot part lol

Edited by Vineheart01

Ah, thanks, I forgot it was FAQ'd.