Well, "assistance" is probably an understatement
. My son has convinced me to try out 2nd edition DH with him and a couple friends but I haven't played a P&P RPG since the days of D&D 2E and Marvel RPG. After looking at the character creation rules, this one really seems different than those old school types in terms of how much character background affects things. I tried playing around with the character creator and reading the rules but I have to be honest that I'm doing this more as a way to spend time with my son and I'm personally not all that interested in learning more of the lore and rules than I need to. My hope is to just work it out as we play.
So my ask is more as to whether there is either an archive of pre-built starter characters out there that I could just chose one from, or if there any veteran players that may be willing to help a new player out with giving me a character they've created or that has the know-how to whip one up quickly for me in the character generator. Here's my general requirements in case anyone reading this may be willing to assist...
Class: Adeptus Mechanicus
Skills: Intelligence focused with some decent ballistics skill and maybe some medic skill. They want me to play the guy that builds and repairs tech gear and fights primarily at range. I'm also supposed to work towards being kind of the cybersecurity/hacker type character. He said we are using the standard point allocation approach and that I had 60 points to spend towards my stats.
Other than that, I would be open to any background world, profession, talents, etc that would overall benefit a character like this and would trust your judgement of what is best for those. I definitly appreciate the help or direction to where I could find a character. Or if there are more active forums I could post this in, that would be good to know too. Thanks in advance for the assistance!