No preview, no sneak...straight to the rules, so, What do you think about the expansion set?
I like that a large portion of expansion can be automatically included in the core game (aka fixes for the core game), and also, there is some new stuff
I just read the rules, so far, but I'm not happy with the new modules and the defense order, but we'll see.
Stefan said:
I just read the rules, so far, but I'm not happy with the new modules and the defense order, but we'll see.
They, maybe, complicate things too much. Well, time will tell.
Indeed. The only bad thing for this game is that it's far more complicated than the original game. This prevents more people from learning the game and get the fun out of it. But I don't really care since I love SC.
I don't fear it's getting more complicated - I don't have problems with that. I don't like that they seem to mess up key elements of the core game, but since I haven't played it yet, we will see. Hopefully I'll get it this week and can play a game by the weekend.
I like the way Sacrifice is clarified, and how Cloaking and Mind Control are woven into the ruleset. I particularly like the Offensive Module, as it will mean more dynamic battlefields (if the players opt to go for it) - before, strongholds with air defense were really hard to capture - offset however by the destroyed transporters. The modules also give the races some more weight, as they're not equally cheap for them - this will mean that the Protoss go for assisting units more than they used to, and it gives the Zerg more of a swarm feeling.
The new rules with leadership decks and scenarios look exciting as well.
I can't wait to try out the game with the expansion, so far I don't find anything in the new rules that I don't like
they surely made a couple of corrections : scourges and cloak rules mostly
flying model's bases are apart!
I like the offensive and defensive modules. Great ideas
I don't know how leadership cards will pop out though (except for variant starting units!)
the defense order seems weird, it doesn't fit in Starcraft... the game looses its aggressive character
the ressource tokens are good ideas too. makes me think of trade goods in Twilight Imp.
And finally heroes seems like alot of fun!
Thanks FFG!
after read the rules, some cards previews, my thoughts are:
-Dark Templar it so expensive and looks like share cards with the zealot
-"the firebat are slighly more powerful"...i hope so
-Defend token and the new modules it s too much
-Hero card are a GREAT!!
-Sacrifice abilitie, great errata
this expansion seems to cost 49,99, and worth it!!
Add on complete!!
I wonder why you care more about the defense order than about the defense module.
I consider the defense order not as powerful most of the time. Sure it can be good, if it's crucial to hold one area for you, because it's your special victory condition but the limitation "Only move to one friendly area" makes it weaker than a normal movement order most of the time.
On the other hand the defense module allows you to switch one unit in every defensive battle afterwards. I consider that rather powerful, because you need a much stronger attack force now. Consider an area hold by a Goliath + Space Marine. Without defensive module one Ultralisk + one Hydralisk can break this defensive position most of the time attacking the Space Marine with the Hydralisk. If the Space Marine and the Goliath are swapped, your attack will fail unless your opponent has no Goliath combat card.
At least the "Archon bug" is no longer of concern, as you can now counter it with the defensive module.
One rule question I haven't figured out by reading the rules: Which occurs first: assignment of assist units or defensive module. My vote is for the former.
My comment on the rest:
Leadership cards: More strategic options +, I hope that special victory is not the only reasonable choice in stage I
new special order rules: More strategic options +
offensive module: a rock to break the scissors anti-air module, perhaps to situational +
assist module: nice addition don't know if it'll be in play often ?
heroes: powerful, but you have to use a leadership card for it. If they are well ballanced +
new abilities and sacrifice clarification +
new units: not a simple patching, instead a solid implementation with revised combat cards and faction sheets +
I'm gonna buy it :-)
That module gives me the creeps, too.
It will be interesting to see how the leadership cards affect the game. Sometimes I feel I'd trade the risk of not being able to even hope for a special victory with some other practical advantage,
I love the new units! (I've always secretly wanted a miniature lurker of my own
. Now I'll get six )
I especially like the new special order rule.
In a 5 or 6 player game, there is a chance that no one notices that you are executing a special order token while having built the research module in the same turn. It might be by mistake, but this is also a very obvious way to cheat.
This rule modification eliminates this possibility while making this process more fluid and more accessible at the same time.
I feel that the defense order tokens are pointless. They are a way to remember that you can place a guard token and muster some units in an area before the execution phase. But they are pretty much useless by themselves because they basically leave play as soon as they enter. Wouldn't it be easier to just point ?
Anyway it's a must buy...only if I had the money
I really think the way they changed special orders will be really cool.
Consider that you could use a total of 3 build orders in the first turn. You could build a research module in the first build order and really tech up to a high end unit tech and get the benefit of saving a resource all in the first turn!
This will really speed up the game in terms of getting the units you want to use faster.
I also really like what they're doing with the leadership cards.
I love the idea of the defence module. It'll allow you to possibly save a powerfull unit. At the very least you can diversify your defence's frontline units if you don't have all the same kind of units in the battles. Because the protoss have such expensive units, I like the fact it is a little cheaper for them to get it. They can get the benefit sooner I imagine.
Well, we got a see a preview of what we can roughly expect from Leadership cards with the UED optional rules we were given this week.
And yes, I think the Stage 1 cards will be hard to make the decision between Special Victory and other bonuses given.
As for optional rules, I actually liked the longer play variant (the one with 25 conquest points to win, no Special Victory cards, and 3 planets per person). First time I played the SC board game, I thought it went too fast, and it wasn't long before the 3 of us were completely boxed in by each other, wondering who would make the first move. In the end, my younger brother won with the Overmind special victory by suddenly attacking me the moment Phase 3 started.
And I think that with a smaller number of players, you could probably pull that same variant off now. Just deploy forces as normal per faction and follow the rest of the rules. I'll be giving it a shot this week.
Can you tell I turtle in the PC game? lol
So, I possess it now myself, tomorrow I'll play the first game. I will use every rule and see how they work