So if C1-10p enters vaders space, he pushes him forward 1, then enters his second space he pushes him left or right and then moves 1 space ending the special action (5mps) . Is that legit?
C1-10p's On A Mission question
Nothing seems to indicate "once per hostile figure" (as seen on Overrun command card) so you can push Vader 5 spaces. 6 with Ram~
18 hours ago, topacesteve said:So if C1-10p enters vaders space, he pushes him forward 1, then enters his second space he pushes him left or right and then moves 1 space ending the special action (5mps) .
Just a point of clarification: On a Mission allows Chopper to Move 5 spaces, not gain 5 MPs. Thus it ignores additional costs when entering difficult terrain or spaces occupied by other figures.
Oh you re right !!!!!! Thank you !!!!!
So , in Field Tactician, the MOVE performed also ignores figures and terrain?
28 minutes ago, topacesteve said:So , in Field Tactician, the MOVE performed also ignores figures and terrain?
Field Tactician allows to perform a move. Performing a move gives movement points according to Speed. When received out of your activation, the movement points must be spent immediately or lost. When spending movement points you pay extra movement point costs unless otherwise relieved (mobile, massive, Efficient Travel).
Move by X spaces is not using movement points. Thus there is no extra movement point costs either.
I cant wait to move Vader in an adjacent space to my Î…Chewie and treat him my new damage "salad" he he
6 hours ago, a1bert said:Field Tactician allows to perform a move. Performing a move gives movement points according to Speed. When received out of your activation, the movement points must be spent immediately or lost. When spending movement points you pay extra movement point costs unless otherwise relieved (mobile, massive, Efficient Travel).
Move by X spaces is not using movement points. Thus there is no extra movement point costs either.
Hmm, does that also mean that Call the Vanguard, which gives you an attack and a move, the Move cannot be interrupted by the Attack? (Move 2, attack, Move 2)
7 minutes ago, Kalandros said:Hmm, does that also mean that Call the Vanguard, which gives you an attack and a move, the Move cannot be interrupted by the Attack? (Move 2, attack, Move 2)
That is correct. With Call the Vanguard you can spend your movement points then attack, or attack then spend your movement points, but you can't spend two movement, attack, and then spend two more.
19 hours ago, ManateeX said:That is correct. With Call the Vanguard you can spend your movement points then attack, or attack then spend your movement points, but you can't spend two movement, attack, and then spend two more.
My understanding is that movement points gained from a special action must be immediately used or lost. But Call the Vanguard allows you to "perform a move and an attack," not "perform a move then an attack," so you can resolve them in either order.
Since Call the Vanguard is played outside of an activation, the figure must spend the movement points as soon as they are gained.
That said, IF the attack and move actions can be switched around (which I'm not sure they can), you could attack then move, or move then attack.
But as said above, you cannot split the movement into two batches, either side of an attack.
You can perform the move and perform the attack from Call the Vanguard in the order of your choice.
("and" makes the parts equal, it doesn't imply sequencing. Comma, "then", and others are used for sequencing.)