Starfighter Maneuver Descriptions

By Archlyte, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I feel that the way the starfighters fly in combat in Star Wars is basically based on WWII aircraft. I have always liked that kind of thing so I felt it would be good to have real Air Combat Maneuver descriptions on cards so the players could easily see an illustration of the maneuver and how it works. A few favorites are the Split-S, The Immelmann Turn, Scissors, and the cobra now thanks to Hera :)

What are some of the ways that you describe fighters interacting with one another in dogfights? Even if it's very sparse description or purely narrative I'm interested to hear how you generally do it because I think there are things to learn from every method.


I always try to involve the scenery, dodging this, banking around that, popping out from behind another ship etc

Check out the old episodes of Dog Fights. That was a fun show and will educate you greatly on what fighter craft can actually do.

I"m a personal fan of pulling Wing-Overs, and the Barrel Roll.

If you play X-Wing they've developed some really bizarre maneuvers like their Tallon Rolls, & Segnors Loop.

IIRC a weave is performed when you pop your rudder to one side then shift it quickly to the opposite direction, and is a great way to spoof a tailing combatant out of shooting position, but only a slow speeds. At higher speeds its a suicidal maneuver as it could throw your craft into a flat spin.

The Air Force has also developed an inverting roll (similar to a Wingover) that will allow a following fighter to cut inside a pursued victim. (Totally GTA in game).

And some of the advanced pilots in WWII were doing crazy maneuvers like tossing their fighters into a tumbling flip to stall their craft and pull out, right behind their pursuing opponent.

There was also a maneuver where the BF109's would cause themselves to go into a flat spin, loosing both altitude and speed, but a good P-51 pilot could match to follow.

There are also three variations to the scissors; Horizontal, Vertical, & Rolling.

That's what I'm able to remember off the top of my head. Hope it helps.

The old WEG Rebel Alliance Sourcebook had several pages devoted to what you're referring to. I even went as far as jotting difficulties next to each so that we could mimic actual dogfighting manouvres in-game. Now that you've mentioned it, I might dig it out and convert it over to FFG rules. :)

Here's a snip from one of the pages showing the Tallon Roll

Edited by Daronil