Implementing Genesys Horror rules into SW campaign

By Demon4x4, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I've been toying with the idea of some one shot (or mini-arc) horror themes in the SW universe - which is something that seems to be largely avoided in the setting outside of Dathomir, so I understand any hesitation toward its inclusion. A lot of horror themes are present, really, but usually in a detached, fantasy style way, IMO.

What do you guys think of the horror section in Genesys system (mostly just light rules for fear and sanity), and it's portability into SW?

I might be better served waiting for an eventual Arkham Horror Genesys system setting book - though those might be too intense for the overall SW vibe, which is why I was thinking more of implementing something on a shorter, serial basis.

Some random thoughts that might fit:
Rakghoul infestation/contagion on Taris (and perhaps a finding a cure arc for infected PCs)
Possession/essense host transfer of some dark side sorcery
well, dark side sorcery in general
Derelict ships floating in space for reasons
Parasites (like those brain worms from the Clone Wars series arc
Some unseen aberrant creature (existing or otherwise) that is fueling a population's short-term decision making, or is perhaps slowly taking over individual wills
The virus mentioned in the Red Harvest/Death trooper books, etc

Also thinking to maybe quarantine it off into a single, out-of-the-way, currently uncovered sector, to write these things up in. The Dawn of Rebellion format has me a little inspired, I guess (an excuse for more universal specs, species, locations, vehicles, etc..). :)

Edited by Demon4x4

I've been a player in a play-by-post on this forum, for nearly a year, which successfully incorporates horror themes (while retaining a Star Wars feel, in my opinion). The format.. might be tough to follow, but feel free to check it out.

I haven't delved into horror in the Genesys system, but fear/discipline checks seem to do the trick.

Edited by Edgehawk

Nice, I'll have to check that thread out. Thanks.

One day I'll convert the thread into a more readable formatd