SEEMS FIXED! - PSA - Do not log out! Do not clear cookies!

By Jeff Wilder, in X-Wing

I just sent this to Admins, and I'm just curious if anybody else has run into it. Maybe I'm overlooking something obvious.


In the process of some routine maintenance at home, I cleared cookies and cache, and now I am unable to login to the FFG Community forums. (I'm typing this from my work computer.)

I get this on Chrome: "This page isn't working | sent an invalid response | ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT". If it's helpful, I can email a screenshot of the error, but this is the only info on it.

In troubleshooting, I also tried Firefox and Edge. While the language differed, the result was the same.

I believe you've got a bad URL on your Sign In link.

I also reported this to the general COntact link, and to FFG Evan, but I have gotten no response.

Others are experiencing same.

Do not log out. Do not clear cookies.

Edited by stonestokes

Geez. This should be a sticky PSA!

Looks like the problem dates to at least Wednesday.

Edited by stonestokes

I knew it, X-Wing has been cancelled


They are simply tired of the rampant whining about GhostFenn; it's a simple surgical decision. Well played Mouse, well played.

It being able to log into these forums should be a blessing.

Something went wrong. Please try again.

This is what I thought for every wave they didn’t contain GUNBOAT.

There was a change in how the forum behaved around then. The “Mark Forum As Read” link is now behaving differently than it was. So they do seem to have performed some maintenance.

We’re still stuck with this godawful, blinding white, eye stabbing color theme though. ?

Edited by Forgottenlore
16 minutes ago, Forgottenlore said:

There was a change in how the forum behaved around then. The “Mark Forum As Read” link is now behaving differently than it was. So they do seem to have performed some maintenance.

We’re still stuck with this godawful, blinding white, eye stabbing color theme though. ?

Right? Remember the good ole days when we had the choice of the dark theme? Ahhh, they just don't make forums like they used to.

So, there was a warning message at the top of the screen about this for a while, and now that is gone. Can anyone confirm that the problem is fixed?

10 minutes ago, Forgottenlore said:

So, there was a warning message at the top of the screen about this for a while, and now that is gone. Can anyone confirm that the problem is fixed?

Not until I get home, speaking personally.

I mean, YOU can, if you're willing to log out and clear cookies to test it.

Thank you for posting this! I recently reinstalled everything on all of my computers, and I've inexplicably been locked out of the X-Wing forum for two days now. I thought I was going insane or something.

Just got back in now. I think the problem's fixed.

We're back in. :)

Whether you wanted to read my witterings or not!


Do not pass go. Do not collect $50.

1 hour ago, Forgottenlore said:

So, there was a warning message at the top of the screen about this for a while, and now that is gone. Can anyone confirm that the problem is fixed?

I can confirm. I’ve been locked out since Wednesday but I’m back now. Yay!

1 hour ago, Lightningclaw said:

Do not pass go. Do not collect $50.

Wrong forum, this is little plastic space ship games, not crap fake money property game.

2 hours ago, Lightningclaw said:

Do not pass go. Do not collect $50.

It's 200 get it right.

23 hours ago, clanofwolves said:

They are simply tired of the rampant whining about GhostFenn; it's a simple surgical decision. Well played Mouse, well played.

Nerf Herders will always have something to cry about.