When is the game over?

By natertot, in Runewars Rules Questions

If you table someone does the game immediately stop or does the round finish?

90.1 A player wins the game if he eliminates another player.

I am assuming immediately since it does not say finish the round. Ravos putting the last wound on himself after killing everyone would be comical and is what made me think of it. Also picking up supply raid tokens would make a point difference.

Or how could you simultaneously wipe? Maybe the both standing next to rune or fisure with last unit. Anyone ever had this happen?

A tournament game or a casual game? I ask becasue there are two very different ways to play/score the game.

According to the tournament guide:
Section IV.3.a:
"One Player Defeated: At the end of a game round, all of one player’s units are destroyed. The
player with at least one unit remaining earns a win and the opposing player receives a loss."

So if for instance you are playing supply raid you can table your opponent and still take some activation to pick up tokens.

Points don't matter if you kill the other player, it says so in what you quoted. "A player wins the game if he eliminates another player".

9 minutes ago, flightmaster101 said:

A tournament game or a casual game? I ask becasue there are two very different ways to play/score the game.

According to the tournament guide:
Section IV.3.a:
"One Player Defeated: At the end of a game round, all of one player’s units are destroyed. The
player with at least one unit remaining earns a win and the opposing player receives a loss."

So if for instance you are playing supply raid you can table your opponent and still take some activation to pick up tokens.

Thabks. This is what I was looking for. Didn't think to look there. But thpught i had read it.

It does matter in a tournament game for the winner for MOV points and final score.

Also I am thinking of this scenario standoff with Ravos engaged with one wound left and one other unit. Kills unit then he kills himself. Improbable but not impossible.

37 minutes ago, natertot said:

It does matter in a tournament game for the winner for MOV points and final score.


37 minutes ago, natertot said:

Also I am thinking of this scenario standoff with Ravos engaged with one wound left and one other unit. Kills unit then he kills himself. Improbable but not impossible.

That is a great point! I didnt even think about that with Ravos!

54 minutes ago, Curlycross said:

Points don't matter if you kill the other player

This is true in the casual setting, but in the tournament setting tabling your opponent gets you 200 pts + objectives and you still have to subtract their points. So you could table a guy and still only walk away with an 8-3 instead of a 10-1.

Edited by flightmaster101
On 3/8/2018 at 1:36 PM, natertot said:

Also I am thinking of this scenario standoff with Ravos engaged with one wound left and one other unit. Kills unit then he kills himself. Improbable but not impossible.

That would be a pretty funny way to end the game. It looks like the way to handle this is actually pretty complicated and weird. On Page 11, under Mutual Destruction, it looks like you still add up points. Both players get 200 ("If a player destroys all of his or her opponent’s units, that player earns 200 army points for the purposes of calculating score, even if the opponent’s total unit and upgrade cards are worth fewer army points.") but any objective points can add to that; if one player got more flank charges during Demoralize Their Forces, for example, that player wins. If there are no objective points, you do a Final Flurry with the full army of each side to find out who won.

However! There's a strange line of text on the next page. "If both players destroy their opponent’s army, each player receives a Margin of Victory of 0." This means that if the game ends in this (very unlikely) manner, it will definitely be a 6-5 with 0 MoV, even if one player scored a bunch of objective points. It seems a weird exception; if one player (either player!) had at least one model left on the table, you would add together all the flank charges, and if someone had gotten 5 more than the other, they probably get a very high MoV, probably with at least a 7-4, if not an 8-3. But if all units are wiped out, it's automatically a 6-5.

Can any army besides Uthuk trigger this situation? Ravos can eat himself and berserkers could suicide. I guess the Uthuk objective that burns everything to death (Up in Flames?).

Any other ways?

6 hours ago, Church14 said:

Can any army besides Uthuk trigger this situation? Ravos can eat himself and berserkers could suicide. I guess the Uthuk objective that burns everything to death (Up in Flames?).

Any other ways?

Power glove could do it.

Archer unit with one figure in its last tray is sitting next to burning forest, shoots and kills last unit engaged with a friendly siege unit with one hp left and two panic tokens, the morale is flee in terror and there is an accommodating spike wall directly behind the siege unit. Enemy unit is dead, siege unit dies on spikes, and archer dies to the burning forest. That's the best I can come up with. Extreme corner case.

Shield of Margath

1 hour ago, Athelin said:

Shield of Margath

Actually, if I remember correctly, this came up in a rules question. Shield of margath is equipped to a unit, if that unit dies due to an attack, the shield is no longer in play to deal damage.

Deaths grasp would work though

Edited by Jukey