Are we (the heroes) screwed? (RTL - Fountain of Life, last level)

By Vrashk, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So, after long and ardeous fighting against master skeletons (with at least five lives each!) on the two first levels, we've finally gotten to the third area in our first dungeon... and naturally this dungeon is

"The fountain of Life"

If I understood it right, we need to kill the final dungeon leader to "finish" the dungeon, the problem is him being immortal in certain squares, and with no knockback or anything like that... are we totally screwed for this dungeon? Our current plan is just to raid the place for treasures, flee and go cry in the tavern..Or is there some sort of errata which never made it onto any of the lists for this level?

"Fun" dungeon but you are not screwed...

The door is unlocked when two heroes stand simultaneously on the two encounter markers in the level. You do not need to kill the beastman.

Well, its the last level? I thought you needed to kill the leader on the final level to "finish" it?

Nope you just need to leave through the portal.

Ah right, I'm being confused, we'll just miss out on the reward for killing the beastman then, I think we can live with that, we suck so bad anyway ;)

Make sure the overlord is reading the entire dungeon card to you. There should be no secrets about this level.

Nah, we know the stuff, I'm just miffed that he most likely will never move the dungeon leader, making us miss out on... what was it 4 conquest and 250 coin?

Yeah, it does suck for sure, but hey, you still get the 3 conquest for the glyph and treasure.