Version 3, Effective 3/12/18
They do love us!
Edited by Fightwookies
Version 3, Effective 3/12/18
They do love us!
Edited by Fightwookies
Not really--- no change to jank droids other than they cannot interact.... still an auto-win on raining freight.
Interesting clarification in that abilities that say 'during an activation' cannot be played outside an activation (ie- Element of Surprise during the end of round)
OH yes, and this:
During an attack, if the attacker’s line of sight to the target
space changes or if the defender moves, the attacker must then
re-declare a target space. If none of the defender’s spaces are
eligible, the attack misses, there is no target space, and abilities
that refer to a target space have no effect.
4 minutes ago, NuSair said:OH yes, and this:
During an attack, if the attacker’s line of sight to the target
space changes or if the defender moves, the attacker must then
re-declare a target space. If none of the defender’s spaces are
eligible, the attack misses, there is no target space, and abilities
that refer to a target space have no effect.
That's the one i was looking for. No collateral damage after on the lam. #sadwookie
Going to be a few updates in the rules section after this, hahaha
I really dont think much changed. A couple of situational issues but on the whole not much.
Don't get me wrong, I still love IA and I am very excited about what seemingly was spoiled by the worlds prizes post. As a player and as a judge/TO, I am upset and disturbed at the fact that there is a list that is an auto-win on a current map.
16 minutes ago, NuSair said:Don't get me wrong, I still love IA and I am very excited about what seemingly was spoiled by the worlds prizes post. As a player and as a judge/TO, I am upset and disturbed at the fact that there is a list that is an auto-win on a current map.
I don’t think Ugs are as big a problem as they once were. Vader/Jets is a brutal matchup for them. Different lists are always going to have good and bad matchups.
That said, I do wish they had prevented companions from using command cards.
Effective before the Canadian Nationals
But yea nothing game-changing, just clarifications~ oh well
Edited by Kalandros23 minutes ago, Fightwookies said:I don’t think Ugs are as big a problem as they once were. Vader/Jets is a brutal matchup for them. Different lists are always going to have good and bad matchups.
Having an autowin on one mission is still a major, major problem.
This is the bone they're tossing us so they don't have to release new content while they try to get us to buy Legion!
... but I'm happy to gnaw on it ...
2 minutes ago, miguelj said:Having an autowin on one mission is still a major, major problem.
I agree with that, but there are also 5 other missions to play. A good Vader player is probably going to beat them on the other 5 missions, so you have to weigh if that one mission is worth it. They're a problem, just not as big of a problem as they were prior to HotE coming out.
1 hour ago, Fightwookies said:I don’t think Ugs are as big a problem as they once were. Vader/Jets is a brutal matchup for them.
I'm curious to hear more about how this matchup goes in practice as I have not been able to test it yet. What would you say is the win percentage for each, and which maps have you played on with this matchup?
My gut feeling is that IG and his hunter partner can probably deal with Vader in most cases, and that the Ug team will very likely see Blaze of Glory early since they're running Devotion.
2 hours ago, NuSair said:Not really--- no change to jank droids other than they cannot interact.... still an auto-win on raining freight.
Interesting clarification in that abilities that say 'during an activation' cannot be played outside an activation (ie- Element of Surprise during the end of round)
Companions have never been able to interact. Just saying. Check the Bespin Rule Book it's there from the very beginning of Junk Droids. But I have heard of people playing that wrong and interacting with them. The more you know
I do like that ruling on Element of Surprise and other "during activation" cards, etc. I feel like I'd read somewhere in a rules discussion that it was previously taken to be doable but I'm glad that's been FAQ'd this way.
On to Junk Droids as a major threat or not. IF they're ONLY really good at the one mission (Raining Freight) then I think a person who wants to bring them to a competitive meta with plenty of lists (Imperials at least?) that can counter them decently well really needs to sit and think long and hard if that's worth it and really puts them into a good enough position to win consistently. I'm not sold on Junk Droids having a better than 50/50 on all the other scenarios in this meta.
I'd love for the community to talk through their viability on all missions against the main archetypes.
But if they really aren't more than 50/50, and if they do get shut down by Vader/Beefy Imp Lists, and yet they are still a lock on ONE MISSION of six, I wouldn't run them hoping to make it through with a great record.
Just the fact that they're auto win on Raining Freight (even against a Vader list, I will tell you from experience) make them a problem still. Not to mention outside of Raining Freight theyre still amazing. And what about people who don't want to run Vader? I do think there are more counters and people have Ugnaught fatigue from Nats. It's still cheesy as **** though.
Edited by defkhan111 minutes ago, Masterchiefspiff said:Companions have never been able to interact. Just saying. Check the Bespin Rule Book it's there from the very beginning of Junk Droids. But I have heard of people playing that wrong and interacting with them. The more you know
Yeah. I think this was added to the FAQ just to reinforce this. I can't help but think at least a portion of the anti-ugnaught movement is at least partially based on misunderstanding of some basic rules like this. (if you play with or against ugnaughts regularly and hate them, i'm probably not referring to you )
15 minutes ago, Masterchiefspiff said:I do like that ruling on Element of Surprise and other "during activation" cards, etc. I feel like I'd read somewhere in a rules discussion that it was previously taken to be doable but I'm glad that's been FAQ'd this way.
There was an older ruling from Todd where he allowed it, but I agree this makes more sense.
5 minutes ago, Fightwookies said:There was an older ruling from Todd where he allowed it, but I agree this makes more sense.
That's what I thought. Thanks for confirming.
20 minutes ago, defkhan1 said:Just the fact that they're auto win on Raining Freight (even against a Vader list, I will tell you from experience) make them a problem still. Not to mention outside of Raining Freight theyre still amazing. And what about people who don't want to run Vader? I do think there are more counters and people have Ugnaught fatigue from Nats. It's still cheesy as **** though.
I disagree with this. Just because a list is really good at one mission doesn't make it a problem. If I ran a list of alliance smugglers swarm, the jawa retrieval mission might very well become an auto win. Not a reason to nerf them. Yes ugs require solid playing to beat, buy so does Vader/Palp, but no one is crying nerf there. Han/Rangers is doing really well many places, yet no nerf convo there. I think the ugs are good, but I think they just fall in the good list category and can be beat just like any other list.
26 minutes ago, Masterchiefspiff said:Companions have never been able to interact. Just saying. Check the Bespin Rule Book it's there from the very beginning of Junk Droids. But I have heard of people playing that wrong and interacting with them. The more you know
I feel like the elegant way to have done this would be to state that companions cannot claim objects, period. That would negate them from doing anything but attacking and controlling objectives.
15 minutes ago, wannabepudge said:Just because a list is really good at one mission doesn't make it a problem.
A list simply being "very good" or otherwise having some map advantage isn't a problem. Being an auto-win , which uggs are on reigning freight, is very much a problem.
41 minutes ago, Fightwookies said:Yeah. I think this was added to the FAQ just to reinforce this.
Old Companion rules:
· A companion cannot interact and cannot use abilities on
Class, Item, or Supply cards.
New Companion rules:
· A companion cannot interact.
29 minutes ago, wannabepudge said:I disagree with this. Just because a list is really good at one mission doesn't make it a problem. If I ran a list of alliance smugglers swarm, the jawa retrieval mission might very well become an auto win. Not a reason to nerf them. Yes ugs require solid playing to beat, buy so does Vader/Palp, but no one is crying nerf there. Han/Rangers is doing really well many places, yet no nerf convo there. I think the ugs are good, but I think they just fall in the good list category and can be beat just like any other list.
There's a difference between a list being "really good" and "virtually unbeatable" on a certain mission. The Ugs on Raining Freight are the latter. There is no other competitive list + mission combo in the game that is so lopsided. I can bring my Vader list to Nal Hutta and play against a Hunter or Ranger list that can snipe me well before I have a chance to engage, and that's a poor matchup for me, but I'm not going to cry about about it because that's still very much a winnable game. Matchups are a thing you just have to deal with in a tournament setting, I get that completely, but no game should ever be as lopsided as it is with Ugs on Raining Freight. That's a whole nother level. Ugs don't have to be ruling the meta or anything to be a problem. The fact that they're so broken on one mission means something is wrong.
I've only had one real experience with Ugs and it was enough. It was the Top 8 round at my first (and only) regional and I got paired against Ugs on Raining Freight. I'd heard about them before and knew roughly the strategy to beat them (rush the Ugs, don't be conservative) but I wasn't prepared for how lopsided the match would be. After the game my opponent straight up told me I did nothing wrong, that there was literally nothing I could do to win that game. What's the point of playing if you have no chance of winning?
13 minutes ago, a1bert said:Old Companion rules:
· A companion cannot interact and cannot use abilities on
Class, Item, or Supply cards.New Companion rules:
· A companion cannot interact.
Ah. completely missed that. Saw the blue and assumed it was an addition. So, just a change for campaign then.
Actually, when have you played against a Junk Droid swarm the last time? For me, it's been a while, because they are so bad on the other missions, that noone around here plays that anymore...
3 minutes ago, DerBaer said:Actually, when have you played against a Junk Droid swarm the last time? For me, it's been a while, because they are so bad on the other missions, that noone around here plays that anymore...
Less than two months ago, they ended up winning the regional I went to. This was with the current map rotation too. Also worth noting Nal Hutta didn't show up until the cut, so the guy was totally fine with the other missions in swiss.