Recently, I had the interesting situation that a hero got poisoned at the start of his turn. I assume that as the Start of Turn phase was not over yet, he needed to test for Poisoned.
However, what would happen in the following situation:
A hero is poisoned, diseased and fully fatigued while in the Secret Room Tainted Spring. This room has the effect: Each time a hero suffers any amount of damage while on this room is also poisoned."
Let's say at the start of his turn, the hero chooses to test for Poisoned first and succeeds. Then he tests for Diseased and fails. He suffers 1 damage and is poisoned again from the Secret Room effect. Does he have to test for Poisoned again, as it is a new instance of being Poisoned? Of course, he could have tested for disease first to prevent this, but let's say he did not.
Edited by Sadgit