Need advice for The Wastes of Eradior with 4 players

By Flrbb, in Strategy and deck-building

Our play group tries to beat TWoE with four players.

On the first atempt we had problems to reach stage 2. That is why we focused on some more questing power (with Northern Trackers). On our next batch of runs, we had no problems with location control (no NT were needed), had a decent amount of questing power (either too much of questing, thus got smashed by stage 2 or had problems with encounter card side quests), but got steam rolled by treacheries and lost due to threat.

Roughly, we are using the following decks:

1. tactics/lore: a bit of healing, lots of fighting power with direct and indirect damage. (usualy TAragorn, Mabulung and Argalad)

2. spirit/tactics: Rohan-themed deck (also, with NTs)

3. lore/tactics: Ent-themed (with Elrond for an extra boost of healing)

4. spirit(/leadership): either Noldor or "just blue" to have enough questing power and A Test of Will and other cool stuff from that sphere.

We really could use any advice how to tweak our decks/style of play... thanks in advance

For Wastes of Eriador, location control, healing, and threat reduction are paramount. Combat is also important, but it looks like the decks you're using can handle that. Cancellation is also a must, but somewhat unreliable due to the "night" objective card.

What are you others restriction? Have you unlimited number of cards (like possibility to play 6, 9 or 12 test of will)? All cards until today? Do you want to stay thematic?

1. direct and indirect damage never tempted me. Seem to cost way too much just to avoid attacks by small enemies. So I can't give you any advice on this.

2. I think that tactics in rohan theme doesn't good give cards, but leadership do with Theodred, guthwine and Ceorl and the usual leadership stuff (legacy of numenor, steward of gondor, a very good tale, sneak attack for both Gandalf or Eomund).

3. Seem good :).

4. I like to play lore with noldor.

We do have 2 players with a somewhat restricted card pool. I think, that is why we have red/Rohan themed deck. :)

Sadly, so far we had no oportunity to retry that Mission... but most probably next week

Hope it goes well!

Me too! I will have a thought for you tomorrow because I will facing nightmare waste of Eriador ^^

On 27/03/2018 at 1:39 AM, Rouxxor said:

Me too! I will have a thought for you tomorrow because I will facing nightmare waste of Eriador ^^

We scoop on turn one on the first try because we got this nasty side quest that remove our hand on setup. Playing with only one card in hand each (+1 to someone thanks to Galadriel ^^) wasn't a winnable option ^^.

Second try we win only fearing treachery. Especially the one who ask to each player to sacrifice an ally or put in play an enemy and the one who damage each questing character (and his synergy with the one who removed all damaged character in the quest, we have those 2 at the last card in the encounter deck and have no test of will before questing. We manage to find one with the draw of Galadriel who bring another draw but we will be dead otherwise). Be prepared in test of will, many of them. Or Eleanor. Or even both!

The fellowship who pass it:

Remember that Test of Will and Eleanor do not work at night, including the card you must reveal when it switches from day to night. With high player counts for Wastes of Eriador I strongly recommend a victory display deck to remove the troublesome cards.

You are right! In nightmare however we start some turns during day, flip at night during/after quest phase and so restart the next turn as day ^^.