Bones vs. Blood

By Jukey, in Runewars Battle Reports

Dusted off my undead for a battle the other day, playing Church running uthuk.

this was my list


Ardus IxErebus [37] 1x1
Obcasiums Gauntlet [5]
Ancient Technique [2]
Total Unit Cost: 44

Reanimate Archers [32] 2x2
Wind Rune [6]
Combat Ingenuity [6]
Raven-Standard Bearer [3]
Total Unit Cost: 47

Reanimates [26] 2x2
Deathmist Banners [4]
Deathcaller [5]
Total Unit Cost: 35

Reanimates [35] 3x2
Executioner [6]
Blighted Vexillum Bearer [3]
Aggressive Drummer [5]
Support Carrion Lancer [6]
Lingering Dead [3]
Total Unit Cost: 58

Carrion Lancers [15] 1x1
Total Unit Cost: 15

Churchs list


Berserkers [37] 3x2
Bloodfire Witch [5]
Warsprinter [3]
Aggressive Shrieker [5]
Total Unit Cost: 50

Berserkers [16] 2x1
Fire Rune [7]
Total Unit Cost: 23

Flesh Rippers [22] 2x1
Total Unit Cost: 22

Flesh Rippers [22] 2x1
Total Unit Cost: 22

Spined Threshers [18] 1x1
Total Unit Cost: 18

Spined Threshers [18] 1x1
Total Unit Cost: 18

Ravos the Everhungry [40] 1x1
Reaping Blade [4]
Insatiable Hunger [3]
Total Unit Cost: 47


we played the uthuk deployment with take the artifacts. My artifacts were on the 3x2 reanimates and the lancer, church had his on his 2x1 zerkers and the inside Thresher.

Turn 1: I started with initiative, and tried to hold my moves off as long as possible, with the exception of Ardus. I knew church's 3x2 zerker unit would be coming in hot, but didn't realize quite how late he could move them (it's 7 btw) and I missed with an impulsive undead charge...should've just shifted...I got charged instead, but casualties were minimal.

the other infantry units had some trouble unpacking, as I expected his units closer by the end of the turn. My archers only got 1 natural rune, so only had limited mobility. Fortunately, Ravos couldn't get within 1 of my infantry and had to settle for a zerker to eat.


On the other flank I charged Ardus into the raised terrain early in anticipation of church utilizing the full mobility of rippers (auto move, move out of terrain, two speed bonus move into other terrain, please let me know we played this wrong). He kept his rippers at bay, but it somewhat backfired as the first unit blocked the second units charge next turn.

Turn 2: I was left with a bad situation with Ardus, since his attack is such a low initiative, I knew church's rippers would wait him out. Instead of failing an attack I dialed in his skill at init 2 with an armor modifier, the oncoming rippers rolled bad dice and bounced on the armor. LjcCWJs.jpg

my reanimates got a good attack in thanks to Raven banner, before losing their back rank and getting reformed on a moral test, which left us unengaged due to lingering dead at the end of the turn. My lancer reformed to intercept Ardus, while my archers ran for the hills and my deathcaller unit continued to be useless. Ravos managed to catch the archers on his end phase move.

Turn 3: Ardus starts the turn off right and knocks a tray off the rippers, making them nearly useless against him, meanwhile Ravos gets a poor roll against my archers. My reanimates regret bringing Raven banner now as they will attack too early and must simply reform and armor up, it helps but still not great. My deathcaller proves useless now as I'm out of blight generating tactics, and my lancer finds itself in another bad spot. ip1irq3.jpg

church does the smart thing and has Ravos take a bite out of the lancer, which previously took a wound from fire rune I think.

Turn 4: Ravos slaughters my archers and surges a wound on the lancer, and in one fel swoop my flank buckles. Church's zerkers are doomed, but a thresher finds a cozy flank and comes to their aid. Ardus finishes off the rippers, but is running out of an army to support him.

I forgot to take pictures at this point, but the remaining turns are filled with shrieking skeletons getting blasted to bone meal for the most part. The two last turns I only had Ardus left and even he couldn't escape from Ravos insatiable hunger, got eaten on the last end phase....

all things considered it want the worst waiqar match I've played, and gives me hope that they still are viable as a competitive faction. In retrospect, blight is really bad for uthuk and I should have built more around it rather than attack speed.

Hope you enjoyed the batrep.

My lesson learned from this whole match is a strong reminder to have a plan to unpack your army if you get stuck in small deployment areas.

Also, just how bad 2x1 Rippers are at breaching armor. Ardus just toyed with them