New To the game, seeking help as a bothan slicer

By ConfusedBothan, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hey all! I'm new to the game and I also don't know a ton about Star Wars aside from what's in some of the games or in the main-stream movies and am looking for help in a couple areas:

1.) I'd like to know what a slicer can do. My character is a slicer (can throw character sheet up here if necessary after next session) but I don't know what a slicer would know to do. Like if I hack a console in a hanger, what are my options? Are there also other general things I would know/what should I be doing in general as a slicer?

2.) I'd also like to know general things that a Bothan would know, really trying to get in character here.

3.) This isn't really Star Wars Edge of the Empire specific, but I'd also like tips for doing negotiations of any kind. I'm kind of fairly new to negotiations in roleplaying games and don't have a major roleplaying experience where I've done it before.

Any other newbie tips welcome, rough character background is below and I'm 200% aware that it's a bit cliche and also that the mention of Humanities is inaccurate, but is what I'm workin' with at the moment. Currently still very early in our campaign so nothing major has happened yet.

My character took out a loan from the hutts to get a job that promised good pay. Turned out someone in his crew was dirty and when our group reached the rendezvous with our inside source, we were ambushed. The only reason my character survived was because I got knocked off the platform and the speed of my fall was broken by a canopy, which then tore and I managed to slide to safety.
General bio:
-General Education 10th grade, dropped out to learn from my father.
-I learned through tutelage, but not by trade. My father was an educated man and passed it on to me.
-Slow to smile, on the more serious side
-Generally, I am slow to trust others
-Cautiously optimistic, I’m not jaded
-Both my parents are alive, I’m an only child
-My mother was a scholar, she retired and is a free thinker, born working class and worked her way up. She was a scholar in the humanities. Studies that are the heritage, tradition, and history/language.
-My father worked in the advanced tech field. Through personal experience (putting things together and taking them apart) and various classes from his employer
-I’m a bit discretionary, my parents don’t exactly approve of how I apply my skills.
-My character is slightly spiritual. I respect people’s spirituality, but I am not driven by it.