Hey all
So as much as I am a big fan of Star Wars, I'm a bigger fan of the Lord of the Rings. I'm also really enjoying the mechanics that FFG has come up with so I figured why not combine the two and do a reskin of this system for a the lotr universe!
The reason I'm posting on here is because I figured Force and Destiny setting would be best for this because the lightsaber stances may translate to some pretty cool sword fighting in a lotr setting. It seems fairly straight forward so far, a lot of the gear and weapons that would be used (axes, bows and some armour) already has stats, and creating different races/species like the various human groups etc is coming along nicely, and the setting should provide some pretty awesome adventures.
One problem I've run into though is the integrated force powers of specializations. Lotr has very little magic, so the force powers don't really fit. Has anyone tried to remove the force powers from specializations, and if so how did you do it and how did it go?
I'm also looking for any views/advice/questions on this subject. Looking forward to hearing from you lot! If people are interested I can make some later posts on the progress I make.