AI for the FFG RPGs?

By nathankc, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Apologies if this has been asked already and I'm my search skills are poor.

I'm invested in many other FFG Star Wars properties (XW, Rebellion, IA) and have picked up a couple of the beginner RPGs now as well.
With the recent release of the Imperial Assault AI app on Steam (which is great) - I wonder if there is already in existence or plans for an Game Master AI in a similar vein?
I don't have access or time to run a large game with multiple people, so an AI GM would be great so I could play as well (instead of running the game)

I know D&D has an AI, and I know of Roll20 which allows virutal / remote gaming, but specifically I'm hoping to find a SW based (or generic? not sure how that would work) Game Master AI

Personal GM experience: 75% of what I prepare when creating adventures myself never comes up at the table, and 50% of what does come up at the table I have to improvise to deal with. AIs being what they are now, I don’t see how you can get a close approximation of a game lead by a real, human GM if you put an AI at the helm. At best you get something like HeroQuest or Gloomhaven etc, but that certainly doesn’t cut it for games with a narrative component like these and really it doesn’t work for anything but the most rudimentary hack&slash games in general.

Edited by nameless ronin

Agreed, but I'd certainly still give it a go, in between real sessions.

The amount of variables to both player and GM in an RPG means at best you'd have something akin to the IA App. Except not working very well because of said variables.

In essence, until we get actual AIs, there's not going to be anything which can account for 200 potential answers to 'You encounter a locked blast door'. Not sure there is a D&D AI either for that matter, for the same reason. Might be an encounter builder but that's very different.

I don't think the AI could pull off the GM showmanship that makes this game so fun, such as

Player does a rousing in character speech standing on his chair for is "Inspiring Rhetoric". GM adds a few boosts to his roll

GMs or Players flipping destiny points for thematic reasons, changing the landscape or circumstances of the encounter

Random obscure Star Wars and other pop culture refferences and quotes


Fudging the rules or making on the spot decisions that do not fit within RAW etc.

Plus how would the AI see dice results if your rolling physical dice (and if your doing to use the dice roller AND an AI GM, you might aswell play SWOTOR)

I recommend looking into the Mythic RPG Game Master Emulator. It can easily be modified to work with the narrative dice mechanic, and you can make your own Focus Event table, Actions, and Nouns to fit the SW universe and themes.