island dungeon level

By gerrard8, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

sorry guys, playing my first session on saturday so I need your help... more questions

On the island map. Are the water spaces deep or shallow? And are all the "green" spaces on the island scrub spaces?

We weren't sure either if the darker colored water is "deep" on the island map, since there isn't a very clear deliniation of dark to light water on said map. So we just played that near an island, all the water spaces were "shallow" but out in the ocean, all spaces were "deep" (unless the encounter map specifically placed shallow markers, of course).

As for the Scrubs, yes, all the green spaces are scrubs, which tightens up a relatively large map. The trickiest thing we had to deal with was spawning large creatures. Most island maps are wide open and hard to get out of LOS for spawning. 1x1 creatures can spawn behind trees pretty easy, but 2x1 or larger, it's rough...


Gust of Wind is looking semi useful in SoB. ^_^

We've gone with the darker water where the boat is as Deep Water and the lighter blue water as Shallow Water.

I know, not exactly accurate happy.gif

Big Remy said:

We've gone with the darker water where the boat is as Deep Water and the lighter blue water as Shallow Water.

I know, not exactly accurate happy.gif

That's exactly what we do as well. Spawning on the island is very very difficult. As for Gust of Wind, that's a really good idea for the island maps!

Fizz said:

As for Gust of Wind, that's a really good idea for the island maps!

If the promo hero Truthseer Kel is in the game, then spawning on an island level is impossible (since she has line of sight through obstacles). We house-ruled her ability to only apply to attacks.

Well, Gust of Wind would still knock her LOS ability down to just 4 spaces, but yes, I agree, her ability is insanely powerful for the island and thought a good house rule is to either A) give her a range (which feels klunky) or B) state that her power only applies for making attacks, and not for spawning.
