Range 1 of itself?

By Zetan, in Runewars Rules Questions

Is a unit considered to be at range 1 of itself? For example, does Maegan Cyndewin's surge ability affect the defender?

Yes. I don't have the specific ruling however.

Ravos ability is a good example, if no other unit is around he has to target himself.

Maegan surge does affect the target unit. However note that it does not add to the damage pool like lethal does.

There isn't a specific ruling AFAIK, it's just how the rules work.

Units are at range one of themselves. Abilities using this wording that exclude the originating unit include language like "OTHER units at range 1".

Rules reference:

64.2 The lines on the range ruler that divide two adjacent bands are treated as part of the band closest to the base of the ruler (the range “1” end). For example, the line that divides band “3” and band “4” is treated as part of band “3.”


• Range #–#: This range includes all of the range bands from the minimum to the maximum ranges specified.

That said, range 1-# include the part of the ruler with the number 1 printed.

OK, a question that came up that I know I've seen the answer to, but haven't been able to find. What about range 0? Maegan's ability does damage at range 1-[unstable]. If there are no unstable runes, does she still do her damage to the defender?

My memory says no, range 0 means the effect is totally cancelled. But I went to look and couldn't figure out where that memory came from.

When it is range 1-0, it means range 1. See 64.5 quoted above. Although language conventions have us put the minimum on the left and the maximum to the right of a range of numbers, that does not mathematically define the minimum and maximum numbers. In your example, 1 is the maximum and 0 is the minimum, so the effect still works up to range 1.

To add to this, Uncontrolled Geomancer specifically calls out that if there are no unstable runes, the effect does nothing. If it doesn't have that added stipulation, the minimum distance is range 1.
