Duty Reset to 0?

By HistoryGuy, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

From what I read in the core rule book Duty is triggered just like Obligation. You roll a Percentile and whosever Obligation/Duty is triggered it goes up (if applicable). So if Duty is reset to 0, how is it triggered again?

It isn't. Your PCs start building it up again from zero, which is why it's nice to try to have them reach a new contribution rank at the end of story arc (or the middle), so they have a better chance of triggering it when the stakes are the highest.

Then how does a PC increase Duty?

The same way as they increase obligation.

1 hour ago, HistoryGuy said:

Then how does a PC increase Duty?

It's not explicitly spelled out in the book, but the intent is that after every mission the PCs complete either for or on behalf of the Rebellion, the PCs would be awarded Duty, with possibility of increased awards if a mission aligned particularly well with a PC's specific Duty.

It was on an Order 66 podcast that Andy Fischer, the FFG developer largely in charge of AoR mentioned that an average Duty award per mission would be 5, with more important or critical missions would have a higher Duty award, while less important or not-so-critical missions would have a lower Duty award.

3 hours ago, HistoryGuy said:

Then how does a PC increase Duty?

By doing things that align with the Duty they chose. So, if a PC picked "space superiority" as their Duty, then during a session where they were able to, say, destroy a group of TIE fighters in space combat, or perhaps blow them up on the surface, thus reducing the Imperial fleet effectiveness, that could improve that PC's Duty score.

Or if you have a PC that has Intelligence Gathering as their Duty, and they happen to slice into an Imperial database, stealing tons of juicy secrets, that the Rebellion can put to good use in the war, that could increase the Duty.

How many points are awarded, is really up to you, and how often you want them to trigger their Duty reward, by hitting 100 cumulative Duty as a group. Some GM's want to stretch it out, others want to have it happen fairly quickly. Depending on your personal preference, assign points as needed, though regardless of the point allocation, I suggest making an effort to have at least 2-3 of your parties Duties as options to be accomplished during the course of any session. That way, if the Slicer has a bad night, and just can't slice anything good, the Saboteur or Ace Pilot, still can earn the group some points, by doing something else.

As Ferret said, the PC's each have a specific duty (like Combat Victory). When they do something in alignment with their chosen Duty, they get extra awards. You give it out like XP. i.e. "Each PC gets 15 XP for the aventure tonight, PC#1 gets 5 Duty, PC#2 gets 10 Duty, etc..."

I think resetting the Duty to 'zero' is stupid in how it's done. When the group gets to 100 Duty, this is supposed to happen. So, what if one PC has 40 Duty, another has 50 Duty, a third has 30 and another has 10? That's 130 Duty. Reset it all to zero and the ones with the most lose the most. I say you leave some with leftover Duty.

On ‎3‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 6:56 PM, DurosSpacer said:

As Ferret said, the PC's each have a specific duty (like Combat Victory). When they do something in alignment with their chosen Duty, they get extra awards. You give it out like XP. i.e. "Each PC gets 15 XP for the aventure tonight, PC#1 gets 5 Duty, PC#2 gets 10 Duty, etc..."

I think resetting the Duty to 'zero' is stupid in how it's done. When the group gets to 100 Duty, this is supposed to happen. So, what if one PC has 40 Duty, another has 50 Duty, a third has 30 and another has 10? That's 130 Duty. Reset it all to zero and the ones with the most lose the most. I say you leave some with leftover Duty.

While I agree that some characters lose that Duty total more than others, if they are a team then this seems to me like a good thing because it reinforces the idea of being about the team. I also think this is supposed to work where Contribution Rank is more important than Duty, as CR is built with Duty. Duty is a fleeting state of Morale based on the character's sense of specialty or cause, and I don't see it as something the players should be counting on being there every time. The point of the Duty stat seems to be to add some external random fluctuation to missions so that there is another element in the mix.

Contribution Rank is their record of achievement for the Alliance. To me, a couple of points of Wound Threshold shouldn't outweigh the characters' career of what they have done for the Alliance and the commensurate support they can receive because of who they are. Having the ability to call for a strike team should be more valuable than the occasional 2 or 4 points of Wound Threshold for a session.

If you are talking about Duty as currency then that's another matter, but again I think the Duty mechanic is there more for framing than as some bonus that the players get addicted to having.

I use Oggdude's program.

For my group, At character creation, 4 used Obligation, 2 used Duty, and 1 used Morality and added Obligation (for no bonus, just for story). Each that didn't have one also selected a Duty that fit them once they began doing work for the Rebellion.

They are more like freelancers, they don't receive regular pay from the alliance, they mainly do their own thing, but if they go against the Empire on a job, they can earn some Duty if it fits.

At the End of each gaming session, I roll Obligation, then Duty, then Morality. Then depending on what comes up, determines what I can add into the next gaming session (or embellish if it was already there).
In addition to their Individual Duties, I have given the Group the Support Duty. When they exceed 100 duty, I add all of their duties together, deduct the 100, and then dump the excess into the Support Duty. Then I increase their Contribution Rank. If the Support Obligation comes up, the group is asked to perform a task or has an opportunity to help a rebel group in need. If they do it then the Group earns Duty in the Support category, and if they do something in line with one of their personal duties, they earn some personally as well. Completing Assigned tasks might earn 5 or 10 Duty. Incidental Duties usually only earn 2.


Tasked with transporting cargo from A - B +5 Support Duty to Group upon completion

Do it without alerting the Imperials +2 Internal Security Duty to Personal (possibly per occasion)

Defeat Imperials to get there +2 Combat Victory Duty to Personal (possibly per fight)

Observe and Document Imperial Patrol Routes +2 Intelligence Duty Personal (probably only once at the time, but if it helps in future deliveries, it could have additional instances)


Just my thoughts based on running a mixed game since AoR first came out.

Hope they help!