Hello, if a unit has 4 speed, in order to perform 2 moves (4+4) and gain the 8 MPs does he need to DECLARE it at the start of his activation (so he gains them).
Or is it that he always has at the start of his activation 8MPs to spend regardless.
For Instance if a figure is adjacent to Rancor and wants to cross to its other side, it should spend 4Mps. So it would be 2Mps for the 1st square and 2Mps for
the 2nd Square, thus spending the 4Mps for the 1st action. If it forgot to declare DOUBLE MOVE (thus gaining 8mps) though, it would not have the necessary 1
more Mp to land behind the Rancor thus ending its turn (not being able to perform the move) thus moving somewhere else.
Especially in tournaments such decisions should be punished so the player would not roll back his 1st action declaration.