If an Imperial figure has an attack action and there are no other viable targets other than a companion does that make it the target of the attack? I was running Jarrod with Jax and also had the R5 Astromech on the board. I had a couple of scenarios where these companions became the target, including the final mission with Vader. I ended up counting them as viable targets and Jax was a very effective pylon. I was able to lead with him and Vader just sauntered over and murdered Jax and then I brought him out again on Jarrod's activation. Felt a little cheap but I think technically sound.
Imperials attacking Companions
Rebel companions are rebel figures, so yes.
just remember Imperial rule when given a choice
Decided to bump and old thread instead of starting a new one.
We're in the middle of a Jabba's Realm App campaign.
The player controlling Jarrod often deploys J4X-7 and positions him smartly in the thick of enemy troops. When it's the empire's turn to activate, they often target the "closest rebel figure." As stated above, rebel companions are rebel figures, so J4X-7 will eat shot(s).
What's everyone's experience with this so far?
Should we use the spirit of the imperial rule to ignore J4X or is it fairly balanced because there is a cost (strain) to bring him out again?
The imperial rule only applies if there are otherwise equal alternatives.
Deploying Jax requires Jarrod's activation to happen and costs strain, so I don't think it's an issue. Also, the app scales the "internal threat" according to Fame you have collected, so it will get harder if you're doing well.
Playing in Hard difficulty will keep you in check.