TL;DR: scroll to bottom for link
Over the past several weeks I was tired of waiting for an announcement from FFG, so I've decided to make my own card. However there are several interesting things I've noticed in the current meta:
Too many Focus going around in the Rebel and Mercenary's camp
- Let's face it, Gideon and C-3PO are almost mandatory for any competitive lists because they hand out Focus like candies
- Weequays can absolutely wreck anything not only for their reroll, but also for their ability to Focus up + Hide to prepare for the next round
- Focused figures are able to dish out an enormous amount of damage in one shot (see next point)
The ability to do insane amount of damage in one shot
- 2 main factors in play here: Focus and Command cards
- Hunter command cards like Assassinate, Tools for the job, Heightened Reflex are so good because they can be played after seeing dice results. Focus up a figure and combine all those command cards and we have a monster that can do 8-10 pure damage per attack. I recall a previous story about a 13HP Terro (with black defense die) being one-shotted by Onar
- If units are consistently able to do outrageous amount of damage in one shot, eventually we'd need figures having 15-20 HPs before they might NOT be one-shotted
Rebel's signature ability are command cards, but a lot of command cards are shunned for fear of becoming dead-weights + there are so many good ones to choose from
- Both Imperial (Zillo) and Mercenary (Black Market) can get rid of dead-weights, yet there's nothing for Rebels, especially after Leia isn't as popular nowadays for fear of being one-shotted (see point above)
Hidden was introduced in Wave 6 Bespin, but frankly it's nowhere as popular as Focus. It's a signature for spies but even eISBs usually favor the +2dmg over hidden
My attempt at fixing those problems:
- Make units immune to Focused attacks
- Give units ability to strip away Focus
- Restrict when/what command cards can be played
- Disincentivize Focus, penalize swingy command cards like Assassinate
Map creation by Vassal engine
Skirmish card and deployment card creation by
deployment card generator
I haven't discovered any broken combos from my playtestings, but please let me know if you've noticed something's too powerful/weak or if there's a wording mistake
Link to deployment cards:
Link to skirmish map: