Home-made expansion: Rogue One

By ricope, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

TL;DR: scroll to bottom for link

Over the past several weeks I was tired of waiting for an announcement from FFG, so I've decided to make my own card. However there are several interesting things I've noticed in the current meta:

Too many Focus going around in the Rebel and Mercenary's camp

  • Let's face it, Gideon and C-3PO are almost mandatory for any competitive lists because they hand out Focus like candies
  • Weequays can absolutely wreck anything not only for their reroll, but also for their ability to Focus up + Hide to prepare for the next round
  • Focused figures are able to dish out an enormous amount of damage in one shot (see next point)

The ability to do insane amount of damage in one shot

  • 2 main factors in play here: Focus and Command cards
  • Hunter command cards like Assassinate, Tools for the job, Heightened Reflex are so good because they can be played after seeing dice results. Focus up a figure and combine all those command cards and we have a monster that can do 8-10 pure damage per attack. I recall a previous story about a 13HP Terro (with black defense die) being one-shotted by Onar
  • If units are consistently able to do outrageous amount of damage in one shot, eventually we'd need figures having 15-20 HPs before they might NOT be one-shotted

Rebel's signature ability are command cards, but a lot of command cards are shunned for fear of becoming dead-weights + there are so many good ones to choose from

  • Both Imperial (Zillo) and Mercenary (Black Market) can get rid of dead-weights, yet there's nothing for Rebels, especially after Leia isn't as popular nowadays for fear of being one-shotted (see point above)

Hidden was introduced in Wave 6 Bespin, but frankly it's nowhere as popular as Focus. It's a signature for spies but even eISBs usually favor the +2dmg over hidden

My attempt at fixing those problems:

  • Make units immune to Focused attacks
  • Give units ability to strip away Focus
  • Restrict when/what command cards can be played
  • Disincentivize Focus, penalize swingy command cards like Assassinate

Map creation by Vassal engine
Skirmish card and deployment card creation by @Bitterman deployment card generator

I haven't discovered any broken combos from my playtestings, but please let me know if you've noticed something's too powerful/weak or if there's a wording mistake

Link to deployment cards: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R7J_HnCClPCj7DJUDV56zxXVL_mO-RD1

Link to skirmish map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sfepzbBRteJDZyhvXxCsdZdKvUeb4JU9

I feel that a three die attack for 3 points is ridiculously good (grey death troopers) add in the deletion of focus or hide to give out a weaken and the roll a black and white to chose the most beneficial result they become so powerful and cheap your opponent might as well concede the game once deployed. who would run anything other than 4 grey death troopers? their health isn't in the auto one shot (not adjusted by CC or other buffs) range either so they can't even be classed as glass cannons. I feel these need looking at again, either making weaker or upping the points cost.

I like what you're trying to achieve with the other units though, they just need polishing a bit more I think.

Also, sadly the map appears to be biased in favour of the blue deployment zone when taking into account the objective locations. looks great though and fun to play on, but not very good for competitive play

Edited by Collins

*sigh* And there was me looking for some new tropical beach and Jedha city map tiles with a new campaign. Come on FFG, pull your finger out and also give us some Death and Beach Troopers. The non saga films are starting to provide a new rich vein of material.

I really like Krennic's "Super Spy" ability. Seems like fun!

3 hours ago, subtrendy2 said:

I really like Krennic's "Super Spy" ability. Seems like fun!

No offense but I don't like the name of the ability. I doubt the Death Troopers or Krennic did much spying. Maybe a skill title like Adaptable? The skill behind the name is an awesome idea though.

I like your efforts @ricope

Edited by King_Balrog
1 hour ago, King_Balrog said:

No offense but I don't like the abilitie's name. I doubt the Death Troopers or Krennic did much spying. Maybe a skill title like Adaptable? The skill behind the name is an awesome idea though.

I like your efforts @ricope

Yeah, the name could use some tweaking. Maybe something like "Experimental Tech", to reflect his division in the Empire probably having... well, experimental technology.

Also the Partisons abilities seem under-powered. A rebel terrorism cell would probably use the Empire's tactics against them. I think they should be more savage (you know how Saska's bomb hurts herself? maybe an ability that does high amount of damage to both itself/the enemy- suicide thermal detonator charges as an example) I think they should be more dangerous and less survive-able.

The grey Death Troopers were built from the power curve of elite Stormtroopers which I still think is the foundation for Imperials. No reroll means their damage output is lower than it looks (blue+blue+green). Their hide/focus stripping ability are completely useless as long as you don't shoot them with Focused/Hidden units which is exactly what I'm looking to discourage here

Also yes, I'm tired of units being one-shotted (as mentioned in my 2nd point). Anyone with figure cost >=4-ish should take some work to bring down

I'll look into Partisans but there's always a risk of making a unit too OP once you start adding extra abilities that can do damage. The regular ones are on-par with elite Stormies, and the elite ones are on-par with elite Gamo

20 hours ago, ricope said:

The grey Death Troopers were built from the power curve of elite Stormtroopers which I still think is the foundation for Imperials. No reroll means their damage output is lower than it looks (blue+blue+green). Their hide/focus stripping ability are completely useless as long as you don't shoot them with Focused/Hidden units which is exactly what I'm looking to discourage here

Also yes, I'm tired of units being one-shotted (as mentioned in my 2nd point). Anyone with figure cost >=4-ish should take some work to bring down

I'll look into Partisans but there's always a risk of making a unit too OP once you start adding extra abilities that can do damage. The regular ones are on-par with elite Stormies, and the elite ones are on-par with elite Gamo

To me the Partisans look like weaker versions of Rebel troopers (ability wise) with potentially more health per unit. I do like that their effects when attacking/defending are determined by the army they face; a very interesting idea to put into play. I think eStormtroopers vs. rPartisons or eGammos vs. ePartisons would wipe the floor with each of their respective foes. (Maybe even a victory for eStormies vs. ePartisons too if they are lucky...)

Edited by King_Balrog
8 hours ago, King_Balrog said:

To me the Partisans look like weaker versions of Rebel troopers (ability wise) with potentially more health per unit. I do like that their effects when attacking/defending are determined by the army they face; a very interesting idea to put into play. I think eStormtroopers vs. rPartisons or eGammos vs. ePartisons would wipe the floor with each of their respective foes. (Maybe even a victory for eStormies vs. ePartisons too...)

I'm a bit confused with the crossing: are you saying eStorm is going to win against a eGamo? Because that's not going to happen

ePartisans should have similar damage output as a eGamo (except ranged), and similarly rPartisans should have a similar damage output as a eStorm

Partisans are nowhere on the same level as Rebel Troopers though: RTs have pathetic damage output due to the lack of surge for +damage, and blue+yellow is a lot worse than blue+green

I love :
- The choice on defence dice ! But not after seeing dice. It will drive into issue with the reroll ...
- The disorient ability should be rework to remove the condition if the hostile figure suffer 1 damage (like the command card). Adding 1 green dice is a game mechanic pour IG and BT1.
- The fact that the partisant can't become focused.
- Counter Intelligence : Good way to gain VP with your dead card

Dislike :

- The Alliance and Millant ability : Make them unbalanced.
- The communication Jam is too powerfull for skirmish
- Cassian should by spy instead of smuggler
- Bothan spy are to similar to thealliance smuggler. I rather have them Trooper/Spy instead of smuggler (again ??) and give them the same working from wookie avender : conver your dodge into evade

Force holocron : like the force user usage and the concept but don't see the usage. Might it be more valuebale for 2 Points to suffer 2/3 stress and let you decide to change 1 condition on any figure.
Allow to transform the focus into stun on an enemy or revert your stun info focus

13 hours ago, ricope said:

I'm a bit confused with the crossing: are you saying eStorm is going to win against a eGamo? Because that's not going to happen

ePartisans should have similar damage output as a eGamo (except ranged), and similarly rPartisans should have a similar damage output as a eStorm

Partisans are nowhere on the same level as Rebel Troopers though: RTs have pathetic damage output due to the lack of surge for +damage, and blue+yellow is a lot worse than blue+green

I was trying to show that either r/e Partisans would lose in each confrontation against your listed comparison figures. (meaning I think they may be on a lower tier than them~ weaker)

( E Stormtrooper )

- 3 units, 5hp, BG dice atk- with potential reroll/potential focus or both , w/surge for +2 dmg , 1 black dice defense.

[Higher Damage with an optimal potential to kill one of the partisans in 1-2 attacks]


( rPartisans )

2 units, 5hp, BG dice atk w/ free surge for +1 dmg , 1 black dice defense, Unit can never become focused.

[Cant compete with Elite Stormtroopers unless they had help.]


( eGammorrean Guard )

2 units, 8hp, RR atk dice w/ reach (movement 4+2 from reach 6 space attack range) and free reroll , surge for cleave 2, 1 Black dice defense w/ +1 defense against ranged weaponry .

[Partisans may be able to kill one Gammo before they fall but rarely both. Gammos are more lethal than Partisans should they become engaged- (with no strategic retreat) in a strait up fight Gammos would win (even if Partisans got the first attack due to firing from range)]


( ePartisans )

2 units, 8hp, BG atk (both may attack twice) , surge for pierce 2 or +1 dmg or both , 4 movement, 1 black dice defense, unit can never become focused.

[Closer fight- but still they seem weaker than the unit you proposed they would equal]

I know i'm comparing apples to oranges; I just believe the oranges happen to be sweeter when they should be different but equal.

I honestly like their ability to adapt to the army the face but I don't think they have enough weaponry, or the abilities to keep them afloat. They would be passed over at worst or killed in combat first at best.

As for the comparison to eRebel troopers to ePartisans; their surges are very similar but the rebels have better skills. Partisans would probably win against them in combat but I don't think it would be an easy fight for them- that's a problem.^

Edited by King_Balrog
4 hours ago, futil said:

I love :
- The choice on defence dice ! But not after seeing dice. It will drive into issue with the reroll ...
- The disorient ability should be rework to remove the condition if the hostile figure suffer 1 damage (like the command card). Adding 1 green dice is a game mechanic pour IG and BT1.
- The fact that the partisant can't become focused.
- Counter Intelligence : Good way to gain VP with your dead card

Dislike :

- The Alliance and Millant ability : Make them unbalanced.
- The communication Jam is too powerfull for skirmish
- Cassian should by spy instead of smuggler
- Bothan spy are to similar to thealliance smuggler. I rather have them Trooper/Spy instead of smuggler (again ??) and give them the same working from wookie avender : conver your dodge into evade

Force holocron : like the force user usage and the concept but don't see the usage. Might it be more valuebale for 2 Points to suffer 2/3 stress and let you decide to change 1 condition on any figure.
Allow to transform the focus into stun on an enemy or revert your stun info focus

Rerolls: I've thought about it when designing the card and I don't see any conflicts: if I roll a black + white and you make me reroll white and I reroll into a dodge, then yes I'm sticking with the dodge

Disorient: I can change the name, but making it trigger after hostile figure suffers damage completely changes their role: Imperial already have great attackers (eSentry, eJet). eDT fits more of a Royal Guard protector role and just yells "shoot me!"

Communication Jam's purpose is to prevent all modifier CCs being played (ex. Assassinate, Positioning Advantage, Blitz, Tools for the job...). Have I messed up the wording? It's supposed to be strong: Jyn's at 7pt which is as expensive as Obi-Wan yet she only have like 8HP

Bothans: The thing is, Bothan aren't really "Troopers", are they? I've had an alternate labeling where I simply said they're Spies. Does adding Smuggler make them too OP?

Force Holocron: exactly, I wanted something for all faction to transform mass Focus into mass Stun and vice versa. Now if everyone's still spending their round 1 focusing up/hidden (ahem ahem, eWeequays) the opponent will simply transform them all into Stun and have a huge advantage on round 2

Edited by ricope
3 hours ago, King_Balrog said:

I was trying to show that either r/e Partisans would lose in each confrontation against your listed comparison figures. (meaning I think they may be on a lower tier than them~ weaker)

I'll do some more playtestings, but usually a battle is never fought 1v1, and yes a group of rPar would lose against a group of eStorm simply because they don't have enough bodies (2 rPar vs. 3 eStorm), but they're also supposed to lose because of 6pt vs. 9pt. Or did I misunderstand you and you were talking about something else?

ePar would probably also lose out to eGamo on a 1v1 fight yes, because one is ranged and the other one's melee: if ranged units is going to have the same damage output as a melee, then why take melee at all? I could do 5 damage per attack from 7 spaces away while hiding safely or up and close while being shot to pieces. I'd have no reason to take eGamo then

1 hour ago, ricope said:

I'll do some more playtestings, but usually a battle is never fought 1v1, and yes a group of rPar would lose against a group of eStorm simply because they don't have enough bodies (2 rPar vs. 3 eStorm), but they're also supposed to lose because of 6pt vs. 9pt. Or did I misunderstand you and you were talking about something else?

ePar would probably also lose out to eGamo on a 1v1 fight yes, because one is ranged and the other one's melee: if ranged units is going to have the same damage output as a melee, then why take melee at all? I could do 5 damage per attack from 7 spaces away while hiding safely or up and close while being shot to pieces. I'd have no reason to take eGamo then

Fair enough, I just want them to be competitive considering their interesting yet shady lore and battle tactics. You are very close in my opinion and I am impressed- so take what I have said lightly.

What about a permanent +1 Dmg (instead of straining for +1) to the ePartisan, keep the pierce 2 as is, as well as add strain for bleeding, hidden, or weaken? I'm still not sure that would "fix the Problem" though...

Edited by King_Balrog
2 hours ago, ricope said:

Rerolls: I've thought about it when designing the card and I don't see any conflicts: if I roll a black + white and you make me reroll white and I reroll into a dodge, then yes I'm sticking with the dodge

Disorient: I can change the name, but making it trigger after hostile figure suffers damage completely changes their role: Imperial already have great attackers (eSentry, eJet). eDT fits more of a Royal Guard protector role and just yells "shoot me!"

Communication Jam's purpose is to prevent all modifier CCs being played (ex. Assassinate, Positioning Advantage, Blitz, Tools for the job...). Have I messed up the wording? It's supposed to be strong: Jyn's at 7pt which is as expensive as Obi-Wan yet she only have like 8HP

Bothans: The thing is, Bothan aren't really "Troopers", are they? I've had an alternate labeling where I simply said they're Spies. Does adding Smuggler make them too OP?

Force Holocron: exactly, I wanted something for all faction to transform mass Focus into mass Stun and vice versa. Now if everyone's still spending their round 1 focusing up/hidden (ahem ahem, eWeequays) the opponent will simply transform them all into Stun and have a huge advantage on round 2

-The fact that you can choose after modification is way to powerfull ! How to you handle Element of surprise ? The ability to choose your dice is still strong regaring what could attack you (that the purpose of cross traing by the way)

-This type of mecanic (gaining négative effect by attacking a figure) isn't implemented. It remove some ability (IG / BT-1 / Maul) that ar part of the balance.

-As ther is no range limit, I can leave Jyn in my deployment zone as still use her capacity to block nearly all of your card :/

-This another unbalanced car in my mind ...

34 minutes ago, futil said:

-The fact that you can choose after modification is way to powerfull ! How to you handle Element of surprise ? The ability to choose your dice is still strong regaring what could attack you (that the purpose of cross traing by the way)

-This type of mecanic (gaining négative effect by attacking a figure) isn't implemented. It remove some ability (IG / BT-1 / Maul) that ar part of the balance.

-As ther is no range limit, I can leave Jyn in my deployment zone as still use her capacity to block nearly all of your card :/

-This another unbalanced car in my mind ...

maybe make Jyn's ability Communication Jam a 50/50 chance? roll a green die and if it doesn't show a surge the effect doesn't work? (there are 6 faces on a green die 3 have surges- 3 don't)

Edited by King_Balrog

For element of surprise there will be no defense die to roll in the first place, because the defense pool is still 1 die. But yes this is something completely different from Cross Training

You're correct for the figures you've mentioned: you probably don't want to attack eDTs with figures having beneficial conditions, which includes IG/BT-1/Maul

For Jyn Erso yes it's intentional: she's a 7pt multi-role support. If you're truly willing to give her up just to block CCs then I guess I'd be fine with that as your opponent. Besides she only have 8HP so she'll die if you focus her down: she's nowhere close on the same firepower/durability as Obi-Wan

Lastly not all CCs are blocked. You can still play CCs like Take initiative, Urgency, Cruel Strike, SoS, Blaze of Glory... but yeah you'd want to take her down ASAP if you want to play CCs like Assassinate

6 hours ago, King_Balrog said:

What about a permanent +1 Dmg (instead of straining for +1) to the ePartisan, keep the pierce 2 as is, as well as add strain for bleeding, hidden, or weaken? I'm still not sure that would "fix the Problem" though...

I've toyed around with that idea as well, but giving ePar static +1 dmg with Rapid Fire means they got a solid chance of removing 2 Imp figure in 1 activation (all attacks vs. Imp gains +1 damage and +1 surge for free). I'm unsure what's this "problem" you're speaking of, that a 6pt rPar can't win against the 9pt eStorm? or the 8pt ranged ePar can't win on a 1v1 fight against the melee eGamo in close combat?

1 hour ago, ricope said:

I've toyed around with that idea as well, but giving ePar static +1 dmg with Rapid Fire means they got a solid chance of removing 2 Imp figure in 1 activation (all attacks vs. Imp gains +1 damage and +1 surge for free). I'm unsure what's this "problem" you're speaking of, that a 6pt rPar can't win against the 9pt eStorm? or the 8pt ranged ePar can't win on a 1v1 fight against the melee eGamo in close combat?

Of them feeling underpowered to me considering focus is such a big deal in the meta. I respect that you don't want them to have access to it. I just want them to remain competitive and not be taken off the board quicker than they can contribute in a meaningful way. I think their cost is fine but they need a slight buff. Either way we are still discussing semantics on a non canon unit anyways. Sorry for seeming pushy.

30 minutes ago, King_Balrog said:

Of them feeling underpowered to me considering focus is such a big deal in the meta. I respect that you don't want them to have access to it. I just want them to remain competitive and not be taken off the board quicker than they can contribute in a meaningful way. I think their cost is fine but they need a slight buff. Either way we are still discussing semantics on a non canon unit anyways. Sorry for seeming pushy.

Oh no it's fine, it's just that I felt (like you said) Focus is such a huge part of the meta nowadays for Mercenary (eWeequay, IG...) and Rebels (C-3PO + Gideon combo) so I didn't want to make them too good

Imperial's got good attackers so we don't need to buff their attacking power further, but they're the biggest victim when it comes to doing insane amount of damage: see my point #2 above about Terro being one-shotted. Not even Vader can beat the single-attack damage output from Focused Merc/Rebels figures slamming down all those Hunter CCs

Lastly I try to balance it out a bit with Force Holocron (ex. Vader for Imp, Maul for Merc, Jedi Luke/Obi-wan for Rebels) so that every side has something to deal with conditions in case it does get out of control for your opponent

P.S. Don't want to be penalized by eDTs or Force Holocrons? Don't Focus up on round 1! (which is exactly what I'm trying to discourage here)

btw I've did some playtestings on ePar, they're more powerful than it looks on paper because of Rapid Fire, think of it as Merc's version of eSentry (they don't even have the -1dmg as eSentry), but also with atk/def buff depending on faction, and even though their attack pool is nothing spectacular they usually have no problem shooting 3-4 times per activation

Edited by ricope
11 hours ago, ricope said:

Oh no it's fine, it's just that I felt (like you said) Focus is such a huge part of the meta nowadays for Mercenary (eWeequay, IG...) and Rebels (C-3PO + Gideon combo) so I didn't want to make them too good

Imperial's got good attackers so we don't need to buff their attacking power further, but they're the biggest victim when it comes to doing insane amount of damage: see my point #2 above about Terro being one-shotted. Not even Vader can beat the single-attack damage output from Focused Merc/Rebels figures slamming down all those Hunter CCs

Lastly I try to balance it out a bit with Force Holocron (ex. Vader for Imp, Maul for Merc, Jedi Luke/Obi-wan for Rebels) so that every side has something to deal with conditions in case it does get out of control for your opponent

P.S. Don't want to be penalized by eDTs or Force Holocrons? Don't Focus up on round 1! (which is exactly what I'm trying to discourage here)

btw I've did some playtestings on ePar, they're more powerful than it looks on paper because of Rapid Fire, think of it as Merc's version of eSentry (they don't even have the -1dmg as eSentry), but also with atk/def buff depending on faction, and even though their attack pool is nothing spectacular they usually have no problem shooting 3-4 times per activation

The free strain seems redundant for the single strain option on the rPartisans- specifically when their green dice gives them a 50/50 shot at the +1 dmg each attack.

The ePartisans actually have a use for it (free strain), but their damage output seems stifled by the fact they can only pierce or put one extra damage on an opponent. I'm just guessing, but against a black dice defense I commonly believe the partisans will only put 1-2 damage on an opponent per attack.

Hypothetically- six or so damage on an opponent in one activation (using both partisans to focus fire a single unit) is actually pretty good but i think this is about the most the will contribute to the fight before they fall. (they are good for taking down squads of weaker hp units- rStormmies or officers and etc.)

Would you consider adding a strain for bleed to the ePartisan to represent their vicious attacks? the threat of additional damage per turn would help add to their damage output or take away an enemy action to heal said wound.

Edited by King_Balrog

Is there any campaign content or is this going to be skirmish only?

3 hours ago, Tvboy said:

Is there any campaign content or is this going to be skirmish only?

My main focus is the skirmish one although I'm pretty sure they work well for campaign as well. There's also the campaign version of Krennic and Jyn but I haven't got the time to make up their respective agenda/side missions yet

That ATST looks to be equal with Weiss, was that your goal? This thing has almost as good defense as weiss who averages 2 + serge block or 4 blocks with the occasional 5 or 6. This one can get 4 block for 4 points less. He also gets to do that free movement which has ups and downs compared to field general. Thes one gets all the accuracy that weiss needs two blue dice for as a passive ability. In short, if this became an official card; the poor general would be obsolete.

Suggested: (I don't have anything beyond Bespin) Lower the accuracy bonus? maybe to two or three, I would probably increase the cost by one but I don't have much so if that is too much for people who have it all, I'll just increase the cost by one as a house rule. Other than that all of it looks reasonable.

On the Bothan spy, It says that you may reclaim a card that costs one, I would maybe add "Or less" to the card unless there is a specific reason why you didn't.

This Is just as I see it, but over all Good Job.

Edited by ATM2100