Improving the Rune Golem

By Dragon high lord, in Runewars Rules Questions

The Rune Golem is the weakest of the artillery pieces of all four factions what could be done to improve them?

My idea is let them use the natural runes to either regenerate health or do lethal damage like Maegan Cyndewin

I still say that the Rune Golem is a useful unit. It's a pain to deal with on the field of battle.

I like the Rune Golem the way it is. Not everything can be strong on the battlefield and with such high armor it won't take much to make them broken.

That being said, it is very easy to get even numbers of damage. Giving Rune Golems Protected 1 (Protected Stable Runes would be in theme, but broken) would help waste some of the enemies hits.

My preferred solution would be giving them an attack initiative of 6 - Unstable Runes, to let them potentially hit earlier and get their armor up. It also keeps the theme of them being able to move really fast when there is a lot of unstable magic around.

All it needs is one more wound, and it's golden.

It's pretty easy to introduce a mechanic that lets a figure ignore its first wound, or what-have-you.

I'd give it protected natural runes, that way it is affected by every rune, and can get to a beastly armor 9 for the first wound on the right turn. They would still suffer from mortal strikes, but can you imagine trying to chew through that heavy of a piece with infantry or archers.

@Tvayumat I like the simplicity of add a wound(or negate a mortal strike), but I fear that it would almost be too much, unless they increase cost to 19 or even 20. And then wouldn't the lancer be the most underwhelming unit?

Mostly hoping we get siege heroes for the other factions since uthuk get one.

Edited by Jukey
10 minutes ago, Jukey said:

I'd give it protected natural runes, that way it is affected by every rune, and can get to a beastly armor 9 for the first wound on the right turn. They would still suffer from mortal strikes, but can you imagine trying to chew through that heavy of a piece with infantry or archers.

@Tvayumat I like the simplicity of add a wound(or negate a mortal strike), but I fear that it would almost be too much, unless they increase cost to 19 or even 20. And then wouldn't the lancer be the most underwhelming unit?

Mostly hoping we get siege heroes for the other factions since uthuk get one.

Not if adding a wound came at a point cost or required an action from another unit.

I, too, hope for siege heroes.

An equipment card that allowed them a wound would be acceptable, that way it's a choice on more health or cheaper unit.

They do the job they are intended to do just fine. They function like other siege units. They can armor up and be quite a destructive force in the right hands. If yours are crumbling, you might not be using them right.

Counterpoint... Ardus frequently gets taken out, while hardly doing anything. He obviously needs more armor too ... right?

1 hour ago, Aetheriac said:

They do the job they are intended to do just fine. They function like other siege units. They can armor up and be quite a destructive force in the right hands. If yours are crumbling, you might not be using them right.

Counterpoint... Ardus frequently gets taken out, while hardly doing anything. He obviously needs more armor too ... right?

Actually yes, I do think Ardus should have higher Defense. Either innately, or make his modifier +2. That would give him the opportunity to play Hawthorne roadblock style, which is some much needed utility for an under-performing hero. In fact I definitely appreciate your Ardus example, as both he and Rune Golems are notably absent from the growing list of Store Champ winning lists (a small sample set, I realize, but it's about all we have to go on).

Can you provide some specific examples of times Rune Golems performed well? Areas you find they shine, ways they make you think when you see them across the table?

I am hopeful that the rising dominance of the Uthuk Y'llan will shift the meta a bit away from mortal strikes and effects that cause wounds directly. The less of that we have to deal with the better off Rune Golems are.

I generally play Waiqar. Not always great against high armor units.

The list I've been running lately is 4 tray Death Knights, 4 tray Flesh Rippers, 2 tray RArchers, Maro, 2x single Lancer.

Was focusing on the main battle with archers and maro in the back. A pair of golems with visored helms got 4 red runes 3 turns in a row. First plowing into the expaned archers and ripping them up. Maro and the archers fought back and removed a golem, but the second from the pair was able to defeat the archers in the second round of engagement and before Maro could respond in the third, slammed into him and drove him into the ground.

Another occasion, running a 2x3 DK. While the DK were attempting to rip Hawthorne a new one, two single golems were able to advance and engage the DK on the flank. Pinning them in place and removing a few trays as the turns advanced.

Golems do rely on runes. The runes can be your friend or your enemy. Golems have been a pain in my side. I seem to have cold dice in a lot of my games; and the runes go against me more often than not. I've been told by my opponents that my tactics were sound and things should have gone the other way. Golems have always been there to stop my forces.

4 hours ago, Bhelliom said:

I am hopeful that the rising dominance of the Uthuk Y'llan will shift the meta a bit away from mortal strikes and effects that cause wounds directly. The less of that we have to deal with the better off Rune Golems are.

I think this may eventually have an effect. Once breaking Daqan’s high armor isn’t the priority, maybe Rune Golems have a chance.

Executioner was a dud Waiqar figure that suddenly becomes scary when your skill modifier just kills Ravos after you hit him for 2 damage. Uthuk make Deathcaller less appealing which also may help.

Rune Golem's effectiveness is against units with low threat. As Latari, I have a lot easier time dealing with low armor high wound units like uthuk. I often struggle dealing enough damage with a single shot to threaten high armor targets.