38 minutes ago, TheSapient said:...
In the end, I would lean towards the mechanics of the game, and try to model the damage to organics through the burn quality. Or make it like an Ilum crystal, but with a feature like "On a successful hit, may spend 2 advantage or a triumph to shut down a droid, as if affected by a restraining bolt. An average mechanics check is required to restart the droid".
I agree on this point. My suggestions were more food for thought and how could it be reflected in the crystal. The white blade suggests that it is not powered by the dark side, or that the dark side has been purged from it... however the one story I found of a user having this crystal ended up with the user falling to the dark side at some point, but was that from the crystal or from the war she was fighting in? Her name was luxum... named after the crystal.
As to the power of the LS... I really like the idea that it does strain damage to all, with breach, and spend advantage to deactivate a droid or vehicle. But personally I like the kimber stone and the training saber for the non lethality and still able to reflect or parry a lightsaber.
In the end we have some ion weapons that have no crit value and some that do. We have some that do nothing to organics and some that do. We have some that have vicious and some that don't. But the more powerful ones do tend to be damaging to organics and have vicious and have a low crit rating. And I'm sure we can agree that a lightsaber tends to be as powerful as the more devastating weapons... ie disruptor rifles and the like. So personally I think it should be modeled after the ion disruptor rifle to some degree... at least in its final, fully modded state.