So CoC LCG is no longer being supported, apparently. Even if it is, my point will still be relevant.
This card game would translate very well to mobile devices and could even be spiced up a little. At the moment, it’s a hard game to get into for lack of player support. A mobile version would reunite the community. We could play one another across the world. Or we could play various levels of AI difficulty.
If FFG wants to simply repackage an electronic version of the LCG, that would be fine. However, with the amount of player support the game would receive, FFG could go back to it’s original CCG model. (As long as booster packs could be easily earned for free and not only purchased.)
I’m dying to see this happen. Elder Sign: Omens is great, but there are itches which that game doesn’t scratch. FFG could gain a lot from initiating more electronic projects...
Edited by Archon879