LAPD MWL Updated

By Nohwear, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

I was looking about and noticed that the restricted list has been updated. The new list will be official towards the end of the month.

What’s LAPD?

It's part of the formal name.

As to changes, on the Runner side Rumor Mill moves back from Banned to Restricted, and Tapwyrm is now Restricted.

On Corp, Brain Rewiring, Mother Goddess, Mumbad City Hall and Whampoa Reclamation are now Restricted. Mumbad City Hall was formerly Banned. Also, Violet Level Clearance is now banned.

Most of the changes evoked an "okay" from me except the move of Rumor Mill to Restricted - to me it needed to remain banned as it is way too OP versus Corp decks relying on special ID and Agenda abilities. To me both this and Film Critic should be Banned.

Edited by Joelist

Am I the only one that misses old influence-based MWL?

I miss some of the flexibility it gave us...

20 hours ago, Aingeru said:

Am I the only one that misses old influence-based MWL?

I miss some of the flexibility it gave us...

I doubt you're the only one, but you're probably in a minority. The old MWL simply DIDN'T do its job (which is to break up power combos). The restricted list is a much more elegant solution for doing that.

On 21/02/2018 at 7:16 PM, Grimwalker said:

What’s LAPD?

23 hours ago, Joelist said:

It's part of the formal name.

I think Grim may have been referring to the fact that Netrunner is set in New Angeles, not Los Angeles...


On 2/22/2018 at 12:11 AM, Aingeru said:

Am I the only one that misses old influence-based MWL?

I miss some of the flexibility it gave us...

I hated that. That, and the introduction of cards with variable influence costs (in the Mumbad cycle), which was actually part of the reason I quit the game.