How is the Roleplaying Mat?

By Bojanglez, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I am short of free shipping and, being the cheap-a ss that I am, I would rather buy something I may not need than pay for shipping and was eyeing this as a way of getting to that magical number - it seems like it’s a little gimmicky but thought i would ask the community to see if anyone has one and their opinion of it?


Edited by Bojanglez

The quality of FFG's mats is always excellent but I still haven't figured out who the intended audience is here. My group has always used other methods to track the Destiny pool and Initiative, but if this looks like the right call for your group, try it out. For us, I don't think we wanted to give up this much table space.

Edited by Dr Lucky

I like mine, I wish it had more charts or a range band graphic. It also makes for a kick *** mouse pad.

I've been debating it myself. It wouldn't do our group any good, going strong since '13. But it would be handy for those that run con games, demos, and one shots to help new players, which is me usually just once a year.

I have it. I lay it out sometimes, but often it gets covered in maps and starfield mats and whiteboards.

Nor do I use the destiny or initiative tracker. I am not sure how? Theres no tokens that come with it, and my laminated sheet does a better job

thanks all - a buddy needed the Resistance Bomber for X-Wing so I bumped my order up that way - maybe I'll get the mat the next time I'm sort of getting free shipping ;)