Asset and Skill Decks in the gilded blade expansion

By yshyman, in Runebound

Hi There,

I have a question about the gilded blade expansion rule.

We have a rule:

Asset and Skill Decks
During setup, players choose three asset sets to form the asset deck for the game.

- What does this mean? in a base we simply take asset deck and use it during the game.

Then, players choose two strength, two agility, and two mind skill sets to form the skill deck for the game.

- What does this mean? The base also uses entire skills deck.

Thanks for any clarifications

If you look at each asset card it has both a letter and number printed on it. (As does the combat token that comes with certain equipment. Using the letter and number on the card and corresponding combat token makes the combat token easy to track down.) Asset cards are organized based on what letter group they are in. The core set asset cards are "A", "B". and "C". Regardless of the number of groups you have, you can only use three of those groups. For example, if you own asset card groups beginning with "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E", you can build an asset deck consisting groups of "A", "D", and "E". Each deck is a little different and has its own advantages and disadvantages. I don't know which groups, if any, are better than the other.

With respect to the skill decks, they are organized by symbol. If you look at, I believe, the bottom righthand side of a skill card, you will see a symbol. Each group of cards has a specific symbol, and is tied to a specific attribute, e.g., agility. With the expansions you get additional groups of skill cards, and you can use any combination so long as it is limited to six groups, and there are two groups for each attribute.

Hope that helps, and have fun! Runebound is a wonderful game.


Thanks for the clarification. This rule is not obvious.

I will try to play using your clarification.

Yes, Runebound is the best adventure game i've ever played.