Sharing my painting...

By Major Tom, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

Base box done.




Very detailed painting, even the teeth, wow!

Yeah, I went slightly over the top there because I wanted to test the colour for another miniature, then had to do the same for all four so it didn’t look silly. Thankfully the GW super fine artificer brush makes that sort of detail a piece of cake.

Nice work! How did you shade the white horses (I'm currently agonizing on that with my cav, Quickshade is a bit to yellow (soft tone) or muddy (dark tone))?

The horses have a layer of Uluthian Grey over a MacRagge Blue base coat. I did a Nuln Oil wash over that, then highlighted with White Scar (if I’m honest the highlighting was pretty close to being another layer).

Edited by Major Tom

Looks like those Oathsworn Cavalry jumped right off the unit card! Amazing job!

9 hours ago, Budgernaut said:

Looks like those Oathsworn Cavalry jumped right off the unit card! Amazing job!

Seconded! Wow!

Started on the command pack for my undead and my Latari base box:




Your painting skills are simply amazing

Thank you.

A lot of how I paint is simple tricks anyone can use. GW’s washes can legitimately be described as liquid tallent and the Citadel paint app shows you how to build almost any colour effect you could desire. It’s just a matter of getting used to the technique at that point, I hadn’t painted anything in over a decade before December when I was brought a base box as a late birthday present.

Core tray of my Deepwood Archers:



Forest is very much a work in progress, Lenox rider is nearly done. I may have to revisit the Lenox itself though as the markings did not come out as well as I had hoped.




That face is fantastic!

It’s been a while, and I’ve been distracted by other projects but here are some Lenox riders. I wanted to do a leopard pattern, but my efforts on the markings were rubbish so I went with the Lion look.
