Took Thweek and the Kimoglia aces out for another spin, getting some prep in for Yavin.
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Took Thweek and the Kimoglia aces out for another spin, getting some prep in for Yavin.
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Great write-up. I tried flying Thweek this weekend and did not do well with him; I put him in too many arcs at Range 2, especially, with no modifiers for defense. He is certainly fun to maneuver, but I need to get better at my arc dodging with him to be effective. Best of luck at Yavin with the list!
Cool review, I've been seeing the Kimos beat Fenn lists pretty consistently in jousts so maybe there's something to that. It was refreshing to see your list do well and best of luck for Yavin
I understand PS is huge, I’m fairly new to X-Wing (less than a year). I decided to give this a spin.
Torani Kulda (Kimo PS8) Deadeye, Harpoon Missiles, R4 Agromech, Contraband Cybernetics, Guidance Chips. 35pts
Dalan Oberos (Kimo PS7) Deadeye, Harpoon Missiles, R4 Agromech, Contraband Cybernetics, Guidance Chips. 33pts
Thweek (StarViper PS4 Shadowed to PS8) Virago, StarViper MK II, Autothrusters, Fire Control System. 30pts.
I was trying to find something that could counter Rebel Nym with trajectory, Rage Wullffwarro with Finn, and Gold Y-Wing BTL,Chopper,TLT, Bomb Loadout. The last 2 times I flew against this with a Manaroo, Fenn push, and Sunny Bounder, I was shredded.
Thoughts on this list?