Has Anyone Run An Imperial Campaign?

By Underachiever599, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

So I recently convinced several of my party members to join up with the Empire. Starting next Sunday, I will be running two opposed campaigns, one Rebwl and one Imperial. Both will be fighting for control of the Outer Rim around Dantooine. This whole experience has made me curious, so I simply had to ask. Has anyone on here run an Imperial campaign before?

For the Empire side of my twin campaigns, I will have two players taking up the roles of Inquisitors (operating as a pair, much like the 5th Brother and 7th Sister). They will be working alongside a Mandalorian-turned-Super Commando, and the son of a Clone Trooper and a Jedi, who has been accepted into the Dark Trooper program. The Inquisitors have been tasked with hunting down the Jedi leadership of my Rebellion campaign. As excited as I am for this dual campaign, I'm kind of wondering how most people on here have ran Imperial games. This isn't quite the same "evil campaign" set-up that I often see people discussing, and I don't really expect to see much, if any, backstabbing among party members (they're ambitions all align quite nicely), so the 'evil' party will all be working toward a common goal. I'm going to replay the 2005 Battlefront II, TIE Fighter, and the Imperial campaign of Empire at War to try and get a good feel for how to run my game.