I'm in X-Wing!!

By Darth Meanie, in X-Wing

Kehl Aecea (not my real name, obviously, but my.player name for anything Star Wars since Galaxies!)


X-wing (either flavor)

Once per game, you may perform a free barrel action if your original end position would have ended on an asteroid or debris. If your ship still ends on debris, double the damage suffered.

It's a call back to my house rule of each player gaining a "muligan" token if they're new of its been months since they last played. If you misjudged a maneuver or mixed up your dials, you spend the token to roll back the mistake. Also, I've gotten **** good at ******* an weaving through asteroids in the Unknown Regions space map in Battlefront 2.

IG-VonBotskie, ps 6 IG2000 pilot

All pilots in in the game are considered to have the IG2000 title equiped at all times


Netlisters Bane(unique title)

"you may perform a (table flip action) at the beginning of the setup phase if an opponents list contains both Nym and Miranda Doni"

I loved Interceptor as long as they were usable. Now I'm torn between Defender and TIE/SF and give it OLs ability

"Enemy ships that you have locked cannot modify any dice when attacking you or defending against your attacks."

PS reflecting my ability in x-wing? Sometimes I fly like I'm drunk, even before I start "drink and fly". Other times... "just as planned". So something between 3 and 7.

Edited by UndeadCrusader

Davith Signis (obviously not my real name)

X-Wing (or T-70)

PS 5


Ability: When attacking, if you have 1 or fewer Damage cards, roll 1 additional attack die.

I almost always have regen on my favorite ships, so this pilot ability would fit really well with an X-Wing with R2-D2

Edited by Rogue3

ScummyRebel, ps 6

YT2400 / jm5k

After you execute a 3 or 4 speed maneuver, you may perform a free boost action.


PS6 Tie FO

during the 'modify results' step, you may cancel all of your dice results, and add 2 hit results

I have really good luck with rolling at least 2 hits on attack dice.


Protectorate Starfighter - PS5

When attacking or defending, you may add one die for each damage card attached to this ship.

Edited by Yakostovian



At the beginning of the combat phase, assign the "why bother?" condition to your ship. Then, you may assign the "why bother?" condition to an enemy ship at range 1-3 in your firing arc.

"Why Bother?":

When defending, roll no green dice (regardless of agility or range or obstruction).

Discard this condition at the end of the round.

Id give myself PS 8 NOT as a metric of skill but an utter loathing of Dash

Edited by ficklegreendice


Keyan farlanders ability


16 minutes ago, ficklegreendice said:


17 minutes ago, ficklegreendice said:

"Why Bother?":

When defending, roll no green dice (regardless of agility or range or obstruction).

This sums up your entire existence Fick. So beautiful.


TiE Striker

PS 3

After performing a focus action, you may perform a free boost or barrel roll action.

Get me my ailerons and put your foot down!

12 hours ago, thespaceinvader said:

When you perform a barrel roll, you must perform a free boost action using the straight template. (move sideways, then down :V)

For realsies though, my two preferred mechanics I'd really like to see in game somehow are:

Action: add +1red/-1 green or add +1green/-1red. (Expose, but it works continuously without havign to be re-upped each round. Initially written as a PC-game-style shields/weapons rebalancing thing)

WHen attacking, you may roll one addition die, plus one additional die for each enemy ship at range 1. After completing the Attacker Modifies Attack Dice step, you must cancel one attack die, plus one attack die for each enemy ship at range 1. (A very powerful ability that gives you highly reliable reds, but not MORE reds.)

Originally I would have said on a TIE Defender, because I like them, but these days, probably on a SIlencer or a T70.

I also like the +\- Die idea. Hard to implement or cost. The closest we experimented with was an ability that was somewhat delayed rewarding. When defending, you could roll 1 less die if you so choose. If you do, get a "Power Up" token (or whatever you want to call it). Next round, when attacking you can roll one additional red dice. You cannot receive a token if you were not attacked

"Astech" PS 7 T-65 X-wing.
After you execute a maneuver, you must execute an identical maneuver if you have not used this ability this turn.

I'm very much about coming in from unexpected angles with only a vague idea of what I'm doing. But if I had to choose a current pilot ability:

"Astech" PS 7 Ghost
When attacking or defending, if the enemy ship is at range 1, roll 1 additional die.

There's nothing more annoying than an AGI 0 ship constantly rolling evades.

Dang....there were some done up for the Shuttle Tydirium crew. I can recall where, but they were funny.

1 hour ago, ficklegreendice said:



At the beginning of the combat phase, assign the "why bother?" condition to your ship. Then, you may assign the "why bother?" condition to an enemy ship at range 1-3 in your firing arc.

"Why Bother?":

When defending, roll no green dice (regardless of agility or range or obstruction).

Discard this condition at the end of the round.

Id give myself PS 8 NOT as a metric of skill but an utter loathing of Dash

I'm right there with you on that one.

Coul Apel

Tie Defender

PS 6

When using a secondary weapon, other than a tractor beam, with a cost 3 or less. Ignore any cancel results conditions, as part of the Weapons effect.

Always wanted to subvert those stupid cancel results would make things like Ion and Flechette Canons, and even the new Jamming beam effective.

I guess I'm a PS 2 or 3 StarViper with Poe Dameron or Soontir Fel's ability.


Pilot Sill: -2

Action: Pretend you know what you are doing and say "Pew Pew!" Gain 1 stress. If you have Porg Co-pilot crew, gain 1 additional stress.

TIE Interceptor PS1

"When attacking or defending, if you don't get at least one success, you can flip the table."

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Edited by Malasombra
flip table
1 hour ago, SpikeSpiegel said:

I’m guessing that dial is very, very green.

Because, yes.


Hmmm favorite chassis would be the Tie Phantom

Favorite Ability is Fenn Rau - extra dice at range 1.

PS about 3 though...

So I’m just Dengar then?

So I've been doing a lot of thinking but I came up with this, not that bad.
