Wanted to preface this with I'm calling this "army" levies because I have my main Daqan host, this is my secondary army built of what is left over from the collection. I want both armies to work independently, and no proxying. Once Scouts come out I'll have more than enough for better options but in the meantime I'm trying to find something that is still strong. I've made a few attempts, no really happy with the first version, so thought I'd see what others thought before I try plan B.
What's available (in Trays):
8x Spearmen
2x Cav
4x Crossbowmen
2x Golems
1x Kari
2x IC minus 1 Lance Corporal Card
Original List:
2x2 Spearmen with Citadel Weapons Master, Rallying Cornicern, and Tempered Steel (45 pts)
2x2 Spearmen with Citadel Weapons Master, Rallying Cornicern, and Tempered Steel (45pts)
1x1 Kari with F Dice (38pts)
1x1 Rune Golem (17pts)
3x1 Crossbowmen with Rank (31pts)
2x1 Cavalry with Rank (24pts)
Idea is the spearmen are identical so they can be mutually supportive, neither is a greater priority for the enemy, and still provide enough offense while only being a 2 threat unit. Golem blocks for the Crossbowmen, Kari primarily snipes and can melee when closed in on, Cav attempt to flank. It's worth mentioning they have primarily been matching up against a fairly blight heavy Waiqar list in my testing.
Initial AAR: Happy with the list overall, however I feel I need to adjust the spearmen, and find points for wind rune on the cav. Tempered steel has been mostly nonexistent because the rallying corn is always removing blight, and surges have just been light in my testing. Really want to try wind rune on the 2x1 cav, as I feel they MUST be flanking/maneuvering out of missile LOS to up their damage and drastically increase their survivability.
Alternative List (Have not playtested yet):
1x1 Kari w/ Dice
2x2 Spearmen w/ CWM and Trumpets
2x2 Spearmen w/ CWM and Trumpets
1x1 Rune Golem
2x1 Cav w/ Rank and Wind Rune
3x1 Crossbowmen w/ Rank and Rally Corn
Comparative Pros and Cons: Cav much more maneuverable but more expensive as well for a 2 tray, Crossbowmen have to stay closer to Spears to help remove blight, Spearmen more maneuverable with trumpets but decrease in possible offense, and no longer have a useful modifier at 3 init attack. Admittedly I could just keep the original list and swap 2x tempered steel for wind rune.
Could also try the second list but keep tempered steel on both spears, and trade CWM's for Dispatch Runners. 3 init Modifier becomes relevant again, regularly 3x attacks by 2 threat spearmen per round (would have to juggle with inspiration tokens or late attack after rally for a 4th, think 3 per turn and alternating the DR's is probably the better way to go) and keep tempered steel for the added damage.
Thoughts? Any ideas for options are welcome (minus spearstars) as long as they are within the parameters of available units.