Calamity has befallen the fabled continent of Atlantis. The mystical Atlante golems, who once raised the continent from the sea, have gone mad. Seizing the opportunity, the Lord of the Dead has thrown open the gates of the Underworld and marches against the living. Only blood and sacrifice will hold Atlantis together. In these desperate times, the gods of Atlantis search far and wide for new champions to save their realm.
I've been kicking around this idea for a while, and since I'm nearly finished with Version #1, at least, I figured now's a good as time as any to introduce it to the rest of you and start working out any kinks. Version #1 is the first draft of the project and places the new encounter cards into the Adventure Deck. At this point though, I'm considering doing a Version #2 which shifts most of those encounter cards into an Atlantean Deck. The Atlantean Region will be created out of Terrain Cards, with the Atlantis Terrain itself at the center; during your adventure, the continent will slowly crumble and potentially be destroyed entirely. I'm still considering ways in which players can reach the Atlantean Region. At the moment, I'm thinking the primary way will be to catch the eye of the Atlantean gods, by rolling a 1 while praying or losing a Life at the Chapel or Cemetery. Of course, that makes it difficult for Neutral Characters so I'd need a reliable way for them to get there. In either version, Terrain Cards are incredibly important, and both will include several new ones. Finally, there will be 20 Sign cards. These provide various bonuses and penalties based on a specific astrological sign, but you can only have one at a time.
I'll start off by showing some of the new Terrains. The Atlantis one in particular is still subject to change.
Finally, I need some help picking the card backs for the Atlantean Deck. Which do you prefer? Hypothetically, I could use the other for the Sign cards, but I want to find a more culturally neutral astrological design for them. Open to suggestions there.