If you'll pardon the bad attempt at referencing an old song, I have a question. My group is wrapping up a campaign, and we're already raring to go on our next one, which will be set in the same universe, just a few years before the events of The Force Awakens. We're being sentimental and playing descendants of our current characters. I've never been the pilot/ace of our group, and want to try that role on for size. I'm thinking young, speed demon, impulsive, determined to help out and do good, and equally determined not to be left behind by her somewhat older friends/fellow PCs.
I'm absolutely in love with the parkour talent found only in Racer and Courier (and Courier isn't out yet.)
So, if I want to go with two trees total, where should I start, and what should I add? Right now, I'm thinking Racer (so minor Force user) and then I'd add Hotshot from the Ace career down the line. Racer gives me that parkour talent, and my character's mother is a Force user, so it makes sense. Am I shooting myself in the foot? Force trees mean sacrificing starting points and skills, and I would never go past the two force dice that the Racer tree would eventually end with. No lightsabers for this character. Should I consider starting with Operator or Pilot instead? I like the shortcut talents, but mostly, I want the concept of speed. She's simply faster than everyone else, or wants to be.